Fate and Free Will

Here are some astrology quotes on free will, it is the age old question regarding how confined we are to planetry influences and what choices we have to improve our lot. Various astrologers offer diferent perspectives on the nature of man and his psychic restraints.

"For as long as humankind has sought to understand our place in the universe and our connection with a higher power, we have struggled with the question of whether our lives are predestined and planned out, or whether they are entirely of our own creation. The fate vs. free will debate has gone on for centuries, although it was arguably brought into focus by the church, since one of the cornerstones of the churches power was the tenet that individuals had to make a conscious choice as to whether they wanted salvation or damnation.

The church does not have a history of playing nice with people who hold different belief structures; at various times in history, and with varying degrees of success, the church waged war on all things divinatory. Astrology has been a casualty of war many times; in fact, the Church was so effective in this campaign that Western astrology almost died out entirely in the Middle Ages.

Today of course, most New Age spirituality places great emphasis on our gift of absolute free will; that we make our own choices, and must learn to take full responsibility for the world we have created for ourselves. If this is the case, then why can astrological predictions be so accurate? How can a birth chart show who we are if we are truly free to choose for ourselves. The answers is this: we do have absolute free will; however, we almost never use it. This is why predictive astrology works, and this is also how natal astrology has evolved into such a powerful tool for self-discovery, understanding, healing and transformation." By Kevin Burke, Understanding the Birth Chart.

"If we pass the test, then fate will move onto the next set of lessons, like a pupil graduating to a higher class, but the lessons will not cease. So in this model, and it is only a model, fate at a particular time presents the individual with an option, or lesson, arranged in a variety of ways, a little like a multiple choice list. The individual, being fated by the quest for wholeness, selects one or more options on the list, either consciously or unconsciously. We would like to think an option is selected based on the individuals desire for maximum personal growth but an individual has free will in these matters. So the individual’s ability to choose an option is assigned free will, and allocated to fate is the nature and timing of the multiple choice list." By Bernadette Brady, The Eagle and the Lark.

"To a degree we are in tune with the cosmos, we have developed a free will and we can rule the planetary influence; which means the influences come all the same and affect us, but by rising above them we may divert them into proper channels; - we are no longer slavishly subjected to them but rule them to a degree. Men high and low, moral and immoral, all are subjected to cosmic influences, but in different ways. When I speak in this sense about the highest amongst us, I don’t wish to be understood wrongly. There are exalted individuals who in a sense have liberated themselves of the cosmic influences, but only through their will having become one with the will of the Logos, (the Creator of the Cosmos), in other words because they have become in tune with the cosmos. And yet, I keep supposing, even for these highest among the high ones, that they - as long as they walk in a physical body and therefore needs must experience the limitation through this, - will experience a harmonious aspect of e.g Jupiter as helping, beatifying and beneficent and a disharmonic aspect of e.g Saturn as depressing and opposing and limiting." By AQ Libra - Astrology - Its Techniques and Ethics.

"A lot of people are frightened by astrology because they believe it claims to predict fate. Once upon a time, during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, it claimed to do precisely that. But astrology has evolved since then, just as medicine has. We in the West - unlike India - don’t like to think there’s any factor shaping our lives, except ourselves and the tax collector. The social service acknowledge a little pressure from environment, psychology from childhood. But for the most part we want to believe we’re free to make choices and decisions. Any impingement on our personal freedom is acceptable only if it comes in a recognizable form, like bad weather, or the ’act of God’ as it’s called in insurance policies. We call those accidents.

And when something happens that we can’t control, we whinge and moan a lot. Particularly if it’s another person that we can’t control: the child grows up differently form our original plan, the husband who leaves, the wife who decides not to be submissive and adoring anymore, the mother who interferes, the boss who doesn’t appreciate our work. We don’t see these unpleasant intrusions as fate, we see them as nuisances, obviously due to the stupidity of others, and we do our best to eradicate the cause, which is naturally the fault of the other person. But is it really the fault of the other? And how free are we? Astrology offers a humble suggestion. Numerous poets, philosophers and psychologists have offered the same suggestion in different languages throughout the centuries. Here are Rainer Maria Rilke’s words for it: "What is within surrounds us." By Liz Greene, Astrology for Lovers.

"On the surface the Hindu astrologer is apparently a fatalist, but individually he has a firm belief in free will within certain well defined limits. The very well established belief in re-incarnation and transmigration makes him a fatalist so far as the rewards and punishments of past lives are concerned, and it is to causes set in motion in a former birth that he traces the inevitable fate of the present life; for he has a wider comprehension of the laws of Karma than the western astrologer. The belief in fate and free will is only partial, for a man is neither wholly fated nor wholly free, and the only way to measure the extent of his limitations is to endeavour to realise his condition of knowledge or ignorance; which, in a well organized society. Would attract him to the caste or status in society to which he naturally belongs. A man with knowledge will endeavour to work with one who has power to help him, while a man who is ignorant may apply to a money lender charging a large percentage of interest, and thus making conditions more and more hopeless." By Alan Leo, Esoteric Astrology.

"In this view, knowing the basic archetypal dynamics and patterns of meanings in one’s birth chart allows one to bring greater awareness to the task of fulfilling one’s intrinsic potential, as in Jung’s concept of individuation. The more accurately one understands the archetypal forces that inform and affect one’s life, the more flexibly and intelligently responsive one can be in dealing with them. To the extent that one is unconscious of these potent and sometimes highly problematic forces, one is more or less a pawn of the archetypes, acting according to unconscious motivations with little possibility of being a co-creative participant in the unfolding and refining of those potentials." Richard Tarnus, Cosmos and Psyche.

"Observing them, he expects to notice that, while the aspect is in force, each recipient of it will undergo an experience of the type described in his textbooks as ’Uranian’; but he can tell in advance upon what level any given native will take the aspect. Some resent and fight the change in their circumstances, most are made unhappy by having to adapt themselves, a few by taking the tide at flood gain worldly advantage, but others increase their understanding, make spiritual progress, and suffer little or nothing. The influence will arrive in any case, but the free will consists in deciding to use it well or badly, cheerfully or sadly." By Rupert Gleadow, The Origin of the Zodiac.

Tribal Tattoos | Feminine Tribal Tattoo Lettering

Wow, if tattoo lettering hasn't come out of nowhere to take the attoo world by storm. Back in the day, many artists despise working on lettering because it was tedious, mind-numbing work. But with the new, stylish, and innovative tattoo lettering styles, these tattoos are looking great. Be sure to check out our other related lettering posts on this blog.

Lest I forget some of the more delicate fonts, here is a great tattoo lettering style for poems, song lyrics, scripted works, or even quotes. This would be a great style to work into a larger floral or nature piece as well.

Nostradamus The Millenium & Beyond

Nostradamus Predictions

Nostradamus The Millennium and Beyond, Prophecies to 2016, is written by Peter Lorie and Liz Greene, first published in 1993. The book contains an Astrological preface that explains the astrology behind Nostradamus' predictions. The opening paragraph says:

"Prophecy is at the best of times a chancy business whether undertaken by a 20th century economist or a 16th century astrologer/clairvoyant. Polls that predict the outcome of presidential or parliamentary election are as liable to error as the apparently impenetrable outpourings of a Delphic oracle. But, despite its strangeness and allusiveness, prophetic vision has an ancient and honorable lineage. It was prophecy, after all - visionary and astrological - that predicted the birth of Christ. Such is the power and fascination of prophecy that we keep on trying, not only to find out who will be the next national leader, but, whether Nostradamus really did predict Hitler, AIDS, and the end of the world."

The allusive business of tapping into symbols for predictive purposes is questioned. The same symbol that may represent an earthquake on a literal level and bring down a building, may appear on the financial level shaking up the economy. Nostradamus didn't know about the outer planets and the author suggests that modern astrologers can add further insight and clarity to these future visions and offer a different perspective.

Besides his prophetic visions, Nostradamus, considered himself a Scientist and he regarded astrology/astronomy as the "celestial Science". According to records stored in the Library, he studied Greek Astrology. Some of his writings adhere to the fact that he had a dislike of amateur astrology, but it did not mean he disputed the power of the planets. Before embarking on his future path, he experienced one of his darkest times when working as a doctor trying to cure the Plague. He lost his wife and child to this deathly disease and his personal reputation was ruined. Nostradamus experienced a relatively difficult phase before beginning his work. However, today, he still stands as one of the most enduring prophets of our time, and perhaps this can be accredited to the long span of his predictions.

The authors of this book claim to offer startling new revelations behind the puzzling metaphors and verses that have confused interpreters for a millennium. Along with the aforementioned fundamental dilemma, many of his writings have been penned in french and Latin and so two different translations are brought forth. Nostradamus is described as having poetic leanings and a powerful sense of the symbolic. However, to add weight and complexity to deciphering his pictorial language, his work is not in chronological order, and therefore interpretation is even more challenging. Studies have concluded that Nostradamus assembles his readings into topics rather than dates. Religion, famine, earthquakes would all be assigned to the same text.

The transit of Pluto is examined through the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius and the poisons and corruptions in life that are brought to the surface to allow the transformative process to begin. The astrological ages of Pisces and Aquarius are both discussed, with the Aquarian age beginning and overlapping with the Piscean age between 1950 and 2050, and the Aquarian age continuing from 2000 to 4000. Nostradamus would have been aware of the "great age" when forecasting. However, since he was unaware of the outer planets, Saturn would dominate the Aquarian age with its emphasis on scientific reason. The Jupiter "great year" under the Piscean rulership is symbolic of the philosophical and religious beliefs that dominated that time.

It is a fascinating book and perhaps chronicles the challenge of living in an age that is ruled by technology and the responsibility this carries, encapsulating the two rulers of the Aquarian age (Saturn & Uranus). Quote below:

Prometheus took fire from the gods and gave it to man. In effect, this is what was happening to mankind today. We are receiving the powers that were originally supposed to be allocated to God, and we are finding ourselves capable of exercising them. In areas such as genetic engineering, where scientists are able to create life, we are faced by moral and religious dilemmas that would have been settled by the church tied to a stake and set by fire. Do we dare to presume that we are able to make life, change life, create the universe around us? Nostradamus and the Aquarian age state very clearly that we are. "All is beneath his feet, like the seat of the heavens." Everything that was once in the realm of heaven is now the realm of mankind, bringing with it the same responsibilities.
Astrologically we are currently undergoing the evolving cardinal t-square of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. The past helps us to understand trends and developments. Prophecies in the astrological community are rife at this present time, due to massive planetary alignments shifting our world's energy. I do believe that prophets could be viewed as rationalists in the sense that what they "see coming" is discerned through common sense. However, the astrological shifts and the coinciding events on earth cannot be ignored as simply coincidence and a much larger patter is at work, involving human destiny.

Tribal Tattoos | Girly Tribal Tattoos

The Astrological Aspects

Astrology Aspects book by Charles Carter

The Astrological aspects is written by Charles Carter, it was published in 1930. My copy of the book is heavily worn and I have pages falling out. I bought the book second hand from Amazon. The previous user has underlined study notes for quick reference. I have never been one to underline notes in astrology books. I did try it once and I tend to underline the entire book, I don't think my Piscean disposition helps.

The book doesn't contain Pluto as it was discovered in the year it was printed. Astronmically Pluto lost its status in 2006, but astrologically it holds the same relevance and is still viewed as a planet. In this work the aspects are viewed and interpreted separately, with the conjunction, soft aspects and hard contacts. In the introduction Carter states:

When we seek to determine the probable external form of aspects in the affairs of life, we meet yet greater variation. What is more absurd to suppose that the same aspect will manifest in the way in the case of a convict serving a life sentence, a millionaire financier, a Bohemian artist, or a soldier on active service? However, while realising these difficulties to the full, I have tried to make a book that will contain something both new and useful.

Indeed, it a useful book, with many new thoughts on the astrological aspects considering its age. The work contains plenty of insights into the nature of each combination of planets. For example, using the previous reader's study notes he/she has underlined the following for Sun conjunct Moon.

It can scarcely, of itself, tend to breadth of outlook or adaptability, for the interests will naturally incline to centre on matters of the house that is occupied and the character will be heavily marked with the sign in which the Lights are....eggs are all in one basket.....some degree of self-will and stubbornness...a little vanity and self-opiniation.
I enjoy authors like Carter, because he is a researcher first and foremost, and thinks as an individual. I would highly recommend this book, there are some gloomier interpretations but it is usually balanced and considered with other aspects of the chart. For a final taster of the book, here is Moon in inharmonious aspect to Neptune, which is Marilyn Monroe's angular natal aspect, and taken from my study buddy's underlined notes, he says:

A kindly easy going character.....probability of complications with the other sex, and probably scandal...An inability to rest satisfied with anything short of perfection is a common and a tormenting condition....tendency to intrigue.....short cuts and get quick rich methods.....women high emotional tension.....a distinct liability to be deceived by others and to suffer various forms of disillusion....In the case of men one or other of the parents is often of a harsh type....The tendency to resort to spiritualistic practices.......sometimes to cause the native to be obsessed by thoughts of the hereafter.

Tribal Tattoos | The Best Tribal Tattoo Designs For Men

Tribal Tattoo

When it comes to getting a tattoo for a guy, your options may seem limited unless you design your own artwork. Luckily the tribal is not only widely accepted for both men and women; it can be turned and tweaked to make it your own. When you start your search try looking at tribal tattoo designs for men for some good ideas.
The tribal tattoos have over 5 different styles and can even include symbols with mythological origins. The options for customizing your tribal tattoo are endless. Choosing the best tribal design for you will ultimately depend on your personal tastes and personality. These tattoos can even be a great way to showcase your hard earned muscle and other fit areas.
A tribal sign depicts strength and character and often times that is fitting for the people who choose to get them as ink.
Tribal tattoo designs for men can be found as online and paper catalogs, and can easily be found on major search engines image results like Google, and Bing. Searching through drawings, designs and photos of other people's tattoos will help give you an idea of the different options. Finding one that fits your career line or hobbies will also be a factor.
If you are required to cover all artwork at your job, get tattoos in area that are easily hidden by clothing. You wouldn't want to jeopardize your income for a small piece of body artwork. You should put a lot of time and thought into choosing your tattoo because after all, it is with you forever. When you are looking for tribal tattoo designs for men be sure to make the image your own before putting it on your body. Add some different curves, swishes or swirls to set the design apart from the original.
If you find yourself still undecided after searching through what seems to be hundreds of pictures, don't get too frustrated. Why not go straight to the tattoo artist him/herself to draw up your design. Most tattoo artists have hundreds of ideas for tribal tattoo design for men so asking them may uncover an unseen design. The best tribal design for you could be an upper back, bicep, or full back tattoo.

Japanese Tattoo Meanings

Japanese Tattoo Meanings

Wonderful designs of tattoo for girls

As a girl or a young woman the most important thing for you most probably is not to be any different from your friends. You want to wear the same sort of clothes, listen to the same sort of music, like the same sort of movies, books, etc. And if many of your friends have tattoos (and your most famous celebrities) you will want to have a girly tattoo as well.

Well, tattoos got quite fashionable during the last couple of years and it is not so uncommon anymore that women and girls have tattoos also. Anyhow, even if it is a fashion, it is wise to consider that not everybody whom you will meet in the future is so tolerant and will like to look at your tattoo.
Wonderful designs of tattoo for girlsAs a girl you want to be extra careful with your decision about getting a tattoo. Here are some tips what to consider before you make your final decision.

1. Ask yourself: "Do I really want to get a tattoo because of me or is it just because everybody else has got one? Do I still want to have this tattoo when I am not 18 or 20 anymore? Will my kids like it or will it make them feel awkward having a mother with a tattoo?
2. Think very carefully about the design you are going to pick. A girly tattoo like e.g. a cute little kitten may be a sexy accessory as long as you are young. But how about it when you will be 50 years or older? Pick a design you will feel comfortable with for very many years. And never, never, never pick the name of your boyfriend. Your boyfriend maybe gone some day, but your tattoo will stay with you forever.
3. Where do you want to have the tattoo on your body? Pick a place which can easily be covered if necessary or is hidden underneath your clothes anyway. A tattoo should never be anything to be ashamed of but it should be something you are doing for yourself not for others. So there is not necessarily a need to show your tattoo openly all the time.
4. Choose the right tattoo studio very carefully. If your friends already have tattoos ask them for recommendations, ask them about their experiences. But never go to a tattoo studio just because everybody else is going there. You are the one, getting a tattoo, so make sure that you will feel comfortable with the studio and the studio owner and that you can trust the people working there. Try out several different studios, ask all the questions you may have and then take your time to make your decision.
5. Watch out for your health. Make sure the instruments and needles at the tattoo studio are new and sterile and that the person, doing the tattoo on you, is wearing gloves. Take good care of your tattoo and do as you have been told: Cover the tattoo at first, clean it thoroughly and apply lotion frequently.
6. Tattoos for girls (as for everybody else) stay with you for a lifetime. Having a tattoo removed is very painful and very expensive and mostly the results look awful. So, think before you ink! If you are not absolutely sure about your decision, why not start with a temporary tattoo at first. Try it out for a couple of days, Find out if this is really for you - if not, you can just wash it off.

There are very many wonderful designs of tattoo for girls now and a nicely done tattoo can of course enhance the looks of a young woman. But still it remains a critical decision which should be made in a hurry.

Popular and most unique tattoo designs for women

If you are looking for tattoo designs for girls then I am glad you are here reading this article. Tattoo's are great, but the truth is men and women should not be getting the same tattoo. Women should be getting a tattoo that will make a man curious as to what it means. In this article, we are going to be going over some of the most popular and most unique tattoo designs for women. Once you are finished reading you should know exactly what tattoo you want to get.
Popular and most unique tattoo designs for women1-The dolphin

The reason we decided to talk about getting a dolphin tattoo is because first off, dolphins are an animal that both guys and girls like, but it wouldn't look right on a man. Dolphins are fun and playful yet they can take care of themselves. If you get a tattoo of a dolphin then this will say a lot about who you are.

2-A fairy

The reason we are talking about fairy tattoo's is because you can literally take one fairy and have it means thousands of different things. If you are just looking for a cute tattoo you can get a fairy floating around. If you want a sexy tattoo you can get one of a fairy wearing a short skirt on your lower back.

3-A star

Star tattoo's are cool, not because the star is cool but because of what you can put inside the star. It has plenty of room to put just about any kind of design you want inside of it.

The Roman Numeral Tattoo Trend

Style Tattoo TrendVictoria Beckham started yet another trend and this time is has nothing to do with hair or fashion. Victoria's Roman numeral tattoo of the date she and hubby David renewed their wedding vows seems to have lead to a trend of roman numeral tattoos amongst other A-listers. Eva Longoria, shortly after she began a friendship with Victoria, was spotted with an identical tattoo on the same wrist. The only thing that differs Eva's from Victoria's is the date. Eva's says, 7/7/07 which is her wedding date to husband Tony Parker. Rhianna is the latest to jump on the Roman numeral tattoo band wagon. She was spotted in NYC with a freshly inked shoulder. Rhianna's tattoo is much larger but is equally sexy. The Umbrella singer chose a very interesting spot but I have to say, it compliments her. The Roman numeral tattoo that Victoria Beckham has is my second favorite of her tattoos. As I mentioned before, I love her neck tattoo but I've always wanted one on my wrist - I'm just too chicken to actually go get one!

Japanese Tattoo Meaning

Japanese Tattoo Meaning

Tribal Tattoo Gallery

 Tribal Tattoo GalleryTattoos were certainly not limited to Native Americans, however. The Yokuts of California used body modification to call attention to the location of a person's supernatural power; the indigenous tribes of New Zealand, Africa, Central America and Hawaii also practiced the art of tattooing.

Tribal Tattoo ideas for girls

 Tribal Tattoo GalleryTribal tattoo designs are getting more and more popular these days, and it's not hard to see why. Popular designs are the tribal dragon, rose, crosses, the tribal sun, tiger, angel wings and the tribal bird.
Tribal Back Tattoo for girls

Tribal Tattoo Gallery

Best Tattoo Designs 2010 Gallery

Best Tattoo Designs 2010 GalleryVanishing Tattoos
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Nice Vanishing Tattoos Designs Art

Full Body Back Dragon Tattoo Style

Full Body Back Dragon Tattoo Style

Body cross tattoo

Body cross tattooBody cross tattoo

Japanese Tattoo Letters

Japanese Tattoo Letters

Tattoos Gallery

Because getting a tattoo is such a major life decision - one that you can never truly take back - you need to make sure that you find the single tattoo that is going to make you happy for the rest of your life. Since the parlors themselves tend to limit the amount of designs the available, one of the best places to go is a tattoos gallery.

What is a Tattoos Gallery?

There are types of galleries available. There are galleries that display tattoos that people have already gotten - these are tattoos that are already on the bodies, with user photos and forums - and there are galleries that have tattoo designs that you can use for your next tattoo, completely printable galleries with over 10,000 different designs.

This type of tattoos gallery also comes in two types of its own. There are some that give you a huge library to search from, but you can only buy a single tattoo that costs you as much as 15 dollars. On the other hand, there are other galleries that, for 30 dollars or less, you can get access to 10,000 designs that you can choose from at any time in your life. Meaning, even if you find the single tattoo you want right away, if you decide you are going to get another tattoo later, you still have 9,999 tattoos to go without having to pay any extra money.

You may only need a tattoo once, but paying 15 dollars for a single tattoo is clearly not as valuable as being able to purchase access to 10,000 tattoos for just a few dollars more. And with that type of tattoos gallery, you can be completely sure that when you find the tattoo you are looking for, you are going to be satisfied with it.

Body Painting Gallery Tattoos

Body Painting Gallery  Tattoos
Body Painting Gallery  Tattoos
Body Painting Gallery  TattoosBody Painting Tattoos

Japanese Tattoo Lettering

Japanese Tattoo Lettering

Japanese tattoos and tattoo lettering are steeped in tradition, symbolism and mysticism. From their roots as religious symbols to their usage as signs of the Yakuza, to their current day popularity in the West, Japanese tattoos are unique to both the wearer and the artist. Find out about the different types of Japanese tattoos and tattoo lettering, before you decide to get one yourself.

Cumbria Shootings

uranus in aries

Uranus' entry into Aries at 0 degrees, coincided with a sudden outburst of violence. Random (Uranus) shots were fired (Aries) in this sleepy countryside town. The event plays a part in the evolving t-square between Uranus (freedom) in Aries (weapons), Pluto in Capricorn (authority) and Saturn in Libra (compromise). And will most likely involve a fierce debate on gun laws.

Derrick Bird had a stellium of planets in the compromising, harmonious and peaceful sign of Libra. However, he also had the Moon in Aries forming an opposition to Mars (birth time is uncertain). A natal Moon-Mars contact often signifies angry feelings and argumentativeness is described by Mercury (communication) in hard aspect to Mars (anger).

A disagreement with his fellow Taxi drivers enraged him after he accused them of stealing his fares. Bird's Librian (stellium) nature would strive for compromise, justice and fair play. Venus in Scorpio diposits his Librian planets and forms a square to Pluto, signifying jealousy and deep feelings of betrayal. According to a news report, Derrick's twin brother and solicitor were colluding to send him to jail for tax evasion, and his family refused to bail him out. Derrick sought justice. Libra is always conscious of the scales unbalanced.

Transiting Pluto in Capricorn (exposing power & authority) formed a square to his natal Mercury-Mars contact in Libra. Transiting Pluto in hard aspect to Mars indicates that he would be prone to self-destructive and ruthless behavior. A Mars/Pluto transit often describes an episode of extreme violence and can equally bring on feelings of depression and anger. Rage bottled up tends to erupt and it could be described as a kind of volcanic 'meltdown'. Pluto seeks to unearth the past and what we haven't sufficiently dealt with and often puts us into situations were we  fight for survival.

Transiting Uranus opposed natal Mercury, and he decided to be a law upon himself and not care what rules he broke (Uranus/rebellion). Under this transit, in particular, it is difficult to smooth out differences and find compromise. Breakdowns in communication are another feature of this contact and what is said is often taken the wrong way. Judgement can suffer too. The aspect suggests transportation difficulties. Uranus opposite Mercury signifies the fall out with neighbours, siblings and the local community.

Neptune formed an exact square to his natal Venus in Scorpio. This may indicate the deception (Neptune) and betrayal over money matters, wills/resources (Venus in Scorpio) and of course the tax evasion (Neptune). We can't blame transits, otherwise we would all commit unimaginable crimes when things get too difficult. The month of Gemini and Uranus' entry in to fiery Aries had quite the wake up call, involving a Twin /Taxi Driver (Gemini) on a shooting spree.