Cumbria Shootings

uranus in aries

Uranus' entry into Aries at 0 degrees, coincided with a sudden outburst of violence. Random (Uranus) shots were fired (Aries) in this sleepy countryside town. The event plays a part in the evolving t-square between Uranus (freedom) in Aries (weapons), Pluto in Capricorn (authority) and Saturn in Libra (compromise). And will most likely involve a fierce debate on gun laws.

Derrick Bird had a stellium of planets in the compromising, harmonious and peaceful sign of Libra. However, he also had the Moon in Aries forming an opposition to Mars (birth time is uncertain). A natal Moon-Mars contact often signifies angry feelings and argumentativeness is described by Mercury (communication) in hard aspect to Mars (anger).

A disagreement with his fellow Taxi drivers enraged him after he accused them of stealing his fares. Bird's Librian (stellium) nature would strive for compromise, justice and fair play. Venus in Scorpio diposits his Librian planets and forms a square to Pluto, signifying jealousy and deep feelings of betrayal. According to a news report, Derrick's twin brother and solicitor were colluding to send him to jail for tax evasion, and his family refused to bail him out. Derrick sought justice. Libra is always conscious of the scales unbalanced.

Transiting Pluto in Capricorn (exposing power & authority) formed a square to his natal Mercury-Mars contact in Libra. Transiting Pluto in hard aspect to Mars indicates that he would be prone to self-destructive and ruthless behavior. A Mars/Pluto transit often describes an episode of extreme violence and can equally bring on feelings of depression and anger. Rage bottled up tends to erupt and it could be described as a kind of volcanic 'meltdown'. Pluto seeks to unearth the past and what we haven't sufficiently dealt with and often puts us into situations were we  fight for survival.

Transiting Uranus opposed natal Mercury, and he decided to be a law upon himself and not care what rules he broke (Uranus/rebellion). Under this transit, in particular, it is difficult to smooth out differences and find compromise. Breakdowns in communication are another feature of this contact and what is said is often taken the wrong way. Judgement can suffer too. The aspect suggests transportation difficulties. Uranus opposite Mercury signifies the fall out with neighbours, siblings and the local community.

Neptune formed an exact square to his natal Venus in Scorpio. This may indicate the deception (Neptune) and betrayal over money matters, wills/resources (Venus in Scorpio) and of course the tax evasion (Neptune). We can't blame transits, otherwise we would all commit unimaginable crimes when things get too difficult. The month of Gemini and Uranus' entry in to fiery Aries had quite the wake up call, involving a Twin /Taxi Driver (Gemini) on a shooting spree.

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