The Astrological Aspects

Astrology Aspects book by Charles Carter

The Astrological aspects is written by Charles Carter, it was published in 1930. My copy of the book is heavily worn and I have pages falling out. I bought the book second hand from Amazon. The previous user has underlined study notes for quick reference. I have never been one to underline notes in astrology books. I did try it once and I tend to underline the entire book, I don't think my Piscean disposition helps.

The book doesn't contain Pluto as it was discovered in the year it was printed. Astronmically Pluto lost its status in 2006, but astrologically it holds the same relevance and is still viewed as a planet. In this work the aspects are viewed and interpreted separately, with the conjunction, soft aspects and hard contacts. In the introduction Carter states:

When we seek to determine the probable external form of aspects in the affairs of life, we meet yet greater variation. What is more absurd to suppose that the same aspect will manifest in the way in the case of a convict serving a life sentence, a millionaire financier, a Bohemian artist, or a soldier on active service? However, while realising these difficulties to the full, I have tried to make a book that will contain something both new and useful.

Indeed, it a useful book, with many new thoughts on the astrological aspects considering its age. The work contains plenty of insights into the nature of each combination of planets. For example, using the previous reader's study notes he/she has underlined the following for Sun conjunct Moon.

It can scarcely, of itself, tend to breadth of outlook or adaptability, for the interests will naturally incline to centre on matters of the house that is occupied and the character will be heavily marked with the sign in which the Lights are....eggs are all in one basket.....some degree of self-will and stubbornness...a little vanity and self-opiniation.
I enjoy authors like Carter, because he is a researcher first and foremost, and thinks as an individual. I would highly recommend this book, there are some gloomier interpretations but it is usually balanced and considered with other aspects of the chart. For a final taster of the book, here is Moon in inharmonious aspect to Neptune, which is Marilyn Monroe's angular natal aspect, and taken from my study buddy's underlined notes, he says:

A kindly easy going character.....probability of complications with the other sex, and probably scandal...An inability to rest satisfied with anything short of perfection is a common and a tormenting condition....tendency to intrigue.....short cuts and get quick rich methods.....women high emotional tension.....a distinct liability to be deceived by others and to suffer various forms of disillusion....In the case of men one or other of the parents is often of a harsh type....The tendency to resort to spiritualistic practices.......sometimes to cause the native to be obsessed by thoughts of the hereafter.

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