Theodore Maiman: Laser Man

jupiter conjunct uranus

I thought I would write about some Scientific topics for the evolving Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aries. I will take a look at inventors, Scientists and astrologers because it still falls under the umbrella of Uranus.

Theodore Maiman, was a physicist who patented the first operable laser, his father was an electronics engineer who strongly believed that Science should be used to better the world. Theodore attended University and achieved the Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree. After graduation he accepted a position with Hughes Research Laboratories where he designed innovations to the ’maser’ before working on the development of an optical maser, or laser.

Astrologically (view chart) this is an apt example to begin with, because we have a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aries in the 8th house. As many of you know, astrologers have been writing about this conjunction over the last couple of months and the possibility of scientific advancements at this time.

Einstein also had a natal Jupiter-Uranus contact and the combination of these two planets puts an emphasis on truth, knowledge and freedom. It is a progressive energy and it can suggest in a natal chart, talent for science, astrology and other progressive areas. Jupiter-Uranus has high intuitive capabilities, and faith in human potential. Originality, rebellion and benefitting social movements best encapsulate the energy of this planetary pair. Bob Dylan also has this aspect, and it signifies abundant inventiveness and  a rebellious spirit. The rebellion aspect in Theodore was evidet when he went against the grain of  Scientists who ridiculed him for using ruby, a material ruled out by them. Theodore persevered in his work and was the first to build the laser.

The conjunction in Aries shows massive potential. Aries likes to be first, original and innovative. I detailed Jupiter in Aries yesterday, so check out this post (click to view). Maiman had Sun conjunct Pluto in Cancer in the 11th house. Pluto tends to become obsessive and transformational in the sphere it is placed. The eleventh house rules groups and clubs and it can also reflect jealousy and spite and he would mistrust and feel threatened in this by collective opinion, and his fellow "like-minded" colleagues could feel threatened by him.

His father had a massive influence on him and this is often observed with Sun-Pluto combinations. There is always a powerful relationship with the father, even after his death. The contact makes it incredibly difficult to sever ties psychically. The Sun-Pluto conjunction in Cancer shows a high amount of emotional investment in the 11th house sector. The Sun here shows a powerful need to be recognised by society and like-minded individuals (Scientists). The grand trine in the element of fire signifies powerful intuition and natural enthusiasm and optimism. Maiman lacks the element of Air. However, as seen with nuclear power man (view here) he doesn’t lack intelligence, he works intuitively and with great passion.

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