
I have the book Nostradamus by Peter Lorie and Astrologer Liz Greene. It is an interestng read and I purchased the book out of curiosity a year back. It has a chapter of the Plan for America. The book is an interesting read and through-out Liz Greene's work she usually makes it clear that you can't always successfully predict the future. She has helped out with the astrology in the Nostradamus book describing the planetary energy for that time. Liz Greene was expecting to see a woman president or candidate in 2004 when transiting Uranus conjuncts America's Moon. I live in England and don't really keep up on everything that goes in the world. Politics whooshes past this Piscean's head. I looked online and Carol Braun was a candidate in 2004. Is she the first woman candidate? In England we have elected a woman Prime Minister, so America is behind the times. Liz Greene says there would have been great change in terms of the role of women. She also says there is a fundamentalist religion, that would in turn reflect a kind of emotional "breakdown" state.


Mars threatens us with it's warlike strength, 70 times will he cause blood to flow: fall and ruin of the clergy and more for those who wish to understrand nothing from them. The scythe joined tot he pond towards Sagittarius at the height of it's ascendant, plague, famine, death by military hand: the century approaches its renewal. For 40 years the Iris will not appear, for 40 years it will be seen every day: the arid earth will grow drier and great floods when it will appear.

By Liz Greene below:

If we remember, we applied this to the precise date of January 16th, 2015, using the referance to the pond and the scythe at the ascendant of Sagittarius. Once again, according to the natal time in our birth chart for America the ascendant is Sagittarius, which means Saturn will cross the country's ascendant during this period, a time therefore of great soul searching and having to come face-to-face with hard reality. In an individaul, such a transit involves a redefinition of a whole life pattern, weeding out the unnecessary and consolidating what is sold. It is not necessarily a terrible configuration, but a sobering one.

Saturn will also transit in opposition to America's natal Uranus in Gemini, that suggests a reevaluation of all that was hitherto considered "free" in America. Another important transit during this same period is that which occurs as Pluto enters Capricorn, bringing it into opposition with America's Venus, Jupiter and Sun all in cancer. thsi transit reflects a complete shift in America's relationship with other countries, economically and through involvements such as NATO. It refelcts conflict and competition on the economic and political level. Most importantly it reflects profound change in the nature of the goverment.

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