Unaspected Planets

I have been hunting around for articles to feed you astrology junkies, I have located some interesting food for thought.

Aspects form a vital component of the interpretation of the natal chart. They link the planets that are the active and dynamic factors of the horoscope. Each link means that a piece of our psychic energy is making contact with another part, and that these parts not only influence each another and can work together (or work against each other), it is also particularly true that they see each other and experience each other consciously. This makes it possible for us to get to know ourselves.

It does, however, happen that one or more planets do not receive or make any major aspects. They stand apart, and are therefore unintegrated. They have no direct influence on other planets (or psychic dynamics), and are themselves also not influenced, so they can exhibit extremes in their effects. We notice this particularly in an all-or-nothing attitude: quick to exaggerate, or precisely the opposite: not responsive in the least. In any case, whether a planet is unaspected depends particularly on the question of how large an orb we use. If we allow very large orbs, then there is little chance of having unaspected planets. If, however, we allow very small orbs, there is in fact a greater chance of having one or more unaspected planets. So, if we want to involve unaspected planets in our interpretation, we will first need to think about the question of orbs. And with this issue, unaspected planets can be of service to us. Read the rest here...

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