Shirley Phelps

Shirley Phelps is a member of the Baptist church, Shirley and her family are involved in a Law Firm. However, "The most hated family in America" hit the headlines over controversial campaigns at funerals, with signs saying thank god the soldiers are dead.
A Need to Feel Connected to the Deeper Elements of Life

Shirley Phelps has great strength, will and fortitude, she is coloured by passion, intensity, and a strong need for control. Shirley can be very loyal to those most close to her (Scorpio planets). With her Sun in Scorpio she finds her vitality through being passionately involved in her life purpose, and this means that she can be unflinching in her efforts to achieve what she wants.

An Awareness of the Darker Elements in Human Nature

Shirley can feel suspicious and mistrustful of life, and if she is expressing the lower archetypal energy of Scorpio, she can be ruthless and unforgiving. Scorpio is an emotionally honest sign, but also uncompromising in nature. The deeper undercurrents of life will always be working through her. The darker elements in her personality will have to be brought into consciousness (Sun), and worked with constructively.

The Sun is conjunct Neptune, and this often indicates a weak sense of identity, and lack of realism. Shirley can be attracted to charity work, any type of work that involves serving the collective. The Neptune world is included in her sense of destiny and purpose. The father (Sun) is idealized, and because of this I am not convinced she can separate her own goals from her father’s. Neptune waters have a deep longing to redeem the father. The planet Neptune can sacrifice personal identity, and her life can gravitate towards something higher and aspirational. However, Shirley has poor boundaries around herself, and unless she erects a strong ego, she can feel overwhelmed with emotional undercurrents.

A need for Rebellion

The Sun squares Uranus in the natal chart, and this means that Shirley identifies with the "outsider", and feels separate from society. Sun-Uranus is a strong willful and rebellious aspect, and she can take an extreme view of life. The more people challenge her - the more willful she becomes. There is a strong resistance to obeying the rules in society, and she enjoys courting controversy. The planet of communication Mercury is also in square to Uranus, and this combination has been described in many astrological textbooks as having "extremely fixed views". Shirley likes to think differently from everybody else, and can be rebellious with her ideas and viewpoints. Shirley is intelligent, but uses all her mental energy to create a strong reaction from the public. Activists of all kinds often have this type of chart, and violence or shock tactics are often used to create a stir, in order to get their opinions and ideas across, and to get the “people” to listen.

Mars-Jupiter-Neptune conjunct in Libra/Scorpio. Does this aspect speak volumes! Mars/Jupiter has been called the “crusader” aspect, and Shirley as we know battles over religion. Coincidentally this is also a good combination for Law (or trouble with the law). Mars conjunct Neptune pursues an ideal vision and aims to “redeem society”.

The Element of Pain, Restriction, and Loss of Meaning in Life

Saturn in Sagittarius can work in many ways astrologically. Obviously, in the media we see a woman at protests who is extremely verbal on gods message, and believes she is the mouthpiece for God. People who do not follow her philosophy are sinners who are going to hell. In astrology Saturn in Sagittarius or in the 9th house has been linked to dogmatic teachings in religion. Shirley's father, is a pastor of the church, and has been feeding his child’s mind with his interpretation of the bible, since she was young. Now she has the task of learning what meaning she alone gives to life and religion. Wherever Saturn is placed in the natal chart we feel that we have been denied something vitally important. As a young girl if she had grown up in a different environment her views may be different. This placement can in certain circumstances take a narrow minded approach to life. The task with this placement is to come to her own vision of life, and find meaning from within.

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