The Amityville Horror: The Ideal Marriage/The Mirror Cracks

At the beginning of a relationship we display the Libra symbol, and we adjust to one another, and present ourselves in the most pleasant light. Our behaviour is polite, courteous and flirtatious. However, the flaw in this type of "nice" relating is that we tend to stuff our real feelings down, as we desperately try hard to maintain the “perfect image”. Nevertheless, as much as we long for equality and to consider our partner's point of view, we also have our own individual needs (in the 1st house opposite the 7th house), and can only”adjust” for so long. At some point we will have to deal with the complex emotions a relationship provokes. The archetypes of the 8th house explores unconscious motivations. The 8th house is where all the "unpleasant" aspects of relating are reflected in our partner and also within ourselves. A real relationship needs to endure tough emotional crisis, and prentending won't cut it. The 8th house will test our emotional strength and a crisis will either bind a relationship closer together or rip us apart at the seams. For the unlucky few our relationship can literally turn into our worst nightmares!!! And it is a well known fact that the people closest to us are the ones with the power to hurt us the most. The 8th house is where we are naked and exposed. It’s here we put trust in another human being, and it is here we share our most intimate moments, thoughts and dreams together. The 8th house emotional explosions and eruptions are not all bad, think about an orgasm and the explosion of bliss and how good it feels when you have that release. In no way, is the 8th house a "bad" house.
All Hell Breaks Loose
When a domestic battle breaks out in a relationship, all the unconscious hostility pours forth. The “stuff” we have been avoiding in a relationship for fear of conflict and separation, is all laid bare. Perhaps, the ugly face of a jealous and controlling partner reveals himself. We may find out our partner has been cheating or is unhappy in the relationship, and has felt this way for a long time. It is at these profound times that all security is shattered (8th house). During a fight we may call each other nasty names, argue, and make insensitive remarks to one another. It has been said that marriage provides the opportunity to heal childhood wounds (4th). Often Jealousy, possessiveness, and powerful emotions erupt in the partnership as a reflection of the unhealed hurts from the past looking for somewhere to surface (8th). I recommend watching the Amityville Horror to experience the dark portrayal of a partner possessed. The beautiful house and idyllic life - it’s all too good to be true….. The 8th house isn’t only connected to relationships, it also symbolises our deep rooted complexes, healing and transformation. We celebrate Halloween in the month of Scorpio, and all the ghouls, witches, monsters, skeletons come out for the night…. and we playfully let the dark side in.
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