Dales was born with Mars (agression, competitive, challenging) in the 9th house conjunct M.C, and this speedy planet is at the highest point of his chart, and represents his public image and aspirations. Astrology studies on sports people list an angular Mars on the cadent side. Mars is square to Pluto, and describes the "ruthless competitor", and intimidating competitor. Sun and Mars conjunct in the 9th house in Taurus, a self- confident and competitive individual. The Sun-Mars-Pluto combination are in fixed signs, and describes a strong determination to win and succeed, but not without it’s challenges. He isn’t likely to give up easily with his fixed personality! Muhammad Ali shares a similar combination to Mars in Taurus which is also in the 9th house. Sagittarius is on the 5th house cusp, and it’s ruler Jupiter is in Aries in the 8th house (High speed sport + death). Jupiter is opposite Saturn in the 2nd house and squares Chiron in the 5th, and Uranus in the 11th house .
Dale was tragically killed in 2001. At the time of his death, transiting Saturn was on his M.C squaring his natal Moon in Aquarius in the 6th house and forms an angular t,square with Pluto. I would describe this configuration as particularly difficult, and it affects his public image (Saturn on M.C), often Saturn in the 10th house signifies a fall from grace or the end of a career. Transiting Saturn and Uranus square each other in the sky at the time of the crash and are right on Dales angles in his natal chart (a common aspect for accidents). Transiting Neptune squares his Sun, symbolic of loss of life. Natal Jupiter in Aries in the 8th house is travelling at a dangerously high speed during a sports rally and he hits the barrier (Saturn) that resulted in his death (8th).
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