The Stayner Brothers: Part 1

Steven Stayner and Timmy, the little boy he saved
The stayner brothers charts look very different from each other, even markedly so. Steven Stayner, is the younger brother, he was abducted by paedophile Kenneth Parnell, at seven years old, and kept by him for seven years. Young Steven later died in Motor cycle accident when he was 24 years old. Astrologically, he has a pretty tough chart, and was born under a Mars-Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. To illustrate the difficulty with this conjunction, there are a few examples that come to mind that have this configuration in their birth charts. Princess Diana has it in her 8th house, and she dealt with various turbulent emotions, which erupted in to her daily life and she battled with health issues, such as anorexia. The Princess died in a head on collision with another car crash in 1997. Amy Bishop, also has the explosive conjunction, and without warning, she gunned down her fellow university teachers. Sexy Johnny Depp was also born under the same configuration, he is popularly known for his creative innovativeness and rebellious nature, and he enjoys playing out his energy through some strange and unique characters on our movie screens. Depp also possesses a much darker side, and enjoys blowing on fire with a mouth full of gas.

In Steven’s chart the Mars-Uranus-Pluto conjunction falls in his 7th house of relationships. Furthermore, this planetary line-up is opposite Saturn. This combination of planets, creates enormous anger and rebellion in the individual. The Mars-Uranus-Pluto aspect is particularly attracted to wild and dangerous activities. Mars-Uranus is potentially accidental in nature, and Mars-Pluto contacts can be frequently found in the charts of abuse victims. The power of his will and assertiveness (Mars) is severely thwarted by Saturn and the potential for violence is heightened, it sometimes shows a difficult relationship with authority figures. If the individual can find a healthy and creative outlet, it can help tremendously. Young Stayner was also born with three planets in Aries (ruled by Mars).

On the night of his kidnapping, transiting Pluto in Libra formed an exact conjunction to his 8th house cusp (underworld). Transiting Saturn in the 4th house had formed a square to Pluto in the 7th house. This suggests some kind of power-struggle at home (4th) and involving his relationships with others (7th). Control (Saturn) and domination (Pluto) can be major issues. A threat (Pluto) to safety and security of his roots (Saturn in 4th), is also indicated. It could have equally represented his parents fighting at home, and going through a difficult separation. Perhaps another scenario would be stricter rules and increased authority in his  personal life, that may have involved power-struggles with a father figure. Astrologically, he was experiencing his first Saturn square to its own natal place. Steven was kept for seven years, brainwashed and sexually abused. If we give an orb of 10 degrees for transiting planets, his Mars-Saturn-Uranus-Pluto configuration was active, during his abduction.

On his return when he entered the police station after another boy was kidnapped. Transiting Jupiter was moving over his Mars-Uranus-Pluto conjunction, suggesting a more beneficial situation and more freedom (Jupiter-Uranus). Steven has a Moon-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio (victimisation) and Uranus was conjunct the natal Moon. Again this transit was suggesting greater emotional (Moon) freedom (Uranus) and can also indicate a change of home. Furthermore, Uranus formed an opposition to natal Jupiter, so three hits suggesting more space, freedom and increased possibilities.

Steven got paid $30,000, to share his story, and he later married and had two kids. However, on the 16th of September, 1989, he was killed by a hit and run driver. Transiting Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, were all in Capricorn trining his Mars-Uranus-Pluto conjunction. Transiting Saturn and Neptune formed a square to Mercury in Aries. Steven led an incredibly intense and short life, and I think it was indicated in his birth-chart that he would deal with some challenging energy in his short-lifetime. Yet, astrology can never pin-point the exact events and can only point to symbols and different levels of expression. Why one person lives a traumatic lifetime and another a fairly easy life will always be a mystery.

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