Understanding the Future

Lyn Birkbeck's, "Understanding the Future" is about the upcoming transits from now until 2020. Here is what it says on the back of the book and it will you give you an idea of what the book is about:

" Hold on tight - the next dozen years are set to be the most momentous of our lives. Humanity stands at a crossroads between a continuous descent into dark materialism and the spiritual path back to the light. And a great cosmic event is forcing this elemental choice upon us - now.

Understanding the future reveals the great Pluto-Uranus alignments of the past, from the period of Roman history convulsed by the slave revolt of Spartacus to the most recent wave, in the 1960's, which ushered in an era of unprecedented cultural and technological revolution."

The author makes some predictions of what may happen in the upcoming years through these energy shifts. Lyn Birckbeck, firmly believes that these times can be harnessed constructively. Major Saturn/Pluto transits are discussed as he takes a look back at history. He has found that this particular contact seems to coincide at the time of major earthquakes. And only recently, earthquakes hit both Haiti and Chile, during our current Saturn-Pluto phase.

" Saturn is the ground we stand upon; Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, is underground. When they come into collision during Major Storms, this can manifest as government versus guerrilla/insurgent, or in a literal way as geophysical upheavals - mainly earthquakes. As you will find throughout this book, Major Storms involving any of the planets can stress the actual physical state of the planet Earth, but it would seem that Saturn/Pluto, by virtue of what they represent, are particularly 'responsible' for earthquakes and the like."

The Uranus/Pluto square may bring an increase in mental illness, anti-social feelings and increasing health problems. Outrageous forms of art and music surfacing which express this deep, intense revolutionary period. Technological advances and exciting discoveries. However, past innovations may have a downside and serious side effects begin to show. Internet crisis, political changes/shocks and nuclear accidents, rise in gangs, violence, are other possible events.Check it out if you can and see what the future holds.

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