Bully Brown

I was wondering what was happening in Gordon Brown's chart, for the recent nasty bullying allegations. Transiting Pluto is conjunct his Capricorn M.C right now. Its time for the dirt on Gordon to be uncovered. We are leaving no stone unturned with this transit of Pluto in Capricorn, bosses, M.Ps, banks are all in the firing line.  The tenth house rules reputation and this transit can damage (Pluto) his image in the eyes of the world. Transiting Pluto is square his M.C ruler Saturn in Libra. This suggests some difficult power struggles in his career (10th), there is a political campaign going on, and his opponents will try and blacken (Pluto) his public image. He is the new poster boy for this transit, it is highlighted powerfully in his chart.

Brown has Aries rising with ruler Mars-opposite Saturn, and his aggression/assertiveness (Mars) is related to the planet of authority, discipline and structure (Saturn). Mars-Saturn is an aspect notorious for a temper, but in some maps it can appear as "no temper" at all, but Saturn often masks deep inferiority and unexpressed rage. Mercury (communication) is opposite Pluto (abuse, control, penetrative) and these people powerfully express thoughts and ideas in communication. They can be stubborn and opinionated, and the aspect is fixed (Aquarius-Leo) he may dominate a conversation, and especially concerning politics (Mercury in Aquarius). Communication may be overbearing, forceful and creates conflicts. Another trait often associated with Mercury-Pluto is Sarcasm, he may use this as a subtle way of criticizing. Mercury-Pluto is an investigative aspect and one that probes deeply, and in its most positive form these people can change negative mental attitudes and heal mental blocks, and the way Mercury-Pluto writes/communicates has a profound impact on people.

Transiting Uranus is also conjunct Venus/Mars in 12th house, and there is dramatic changes happening in his partnerships right now, behind the scenes. Mars-Uranus is a rebellious combination, and explosive anger may have been an occurrence. The 12th house rules the subconscious, and inner psychological exploration, and whats hidden. The main issue is whether or not he is treating people as equals (Saturn in Libra) or whether he is abusing his power (Pluto in Capricorn conjunct M.C). The issue is nothing new, and most people have heard about his "terrible temper". The bullying claims could be just a nasty rumour (Mercury-Pluto) and the victimisation claims could be blown way of proportion (Jupiter in Pisces). With Mercury-Pluto you could be the investigator or investigated, it is often a two way street in astrology.

My partner had transiting Saturn conjunct his Pluto in 10th house, and soon enough he was coming home complaining about his "tyrant boss" at work. The transit can work in reverse and if you are the boss under this transit, its YOU that could be accused of being a bully. Whatever the case, it highlights the issue of bullying in the workplace, and whether employees are being treated fairly. I have kindly put him in my "Gangsters and Thugs" category. I should wait until a verdict, but the topic is about bullies, so for administration purposes this is where he is filed in my filing cabinet :-p.

Natal Chart/Transits

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