An Intimate Astrological Portrait: Angelina Jolie

I will explore Angelina's chart through quotes, interviews and any other information I grab hold of.

Astrologer: Hi Angelina, thanks so much for coming today and talking about your life and chart personally. I think there is a lot that we don't understand about you, and perhaps we all have our own preconceived images of what you are like.

Angelina: If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me. I like to hide behind the characters I play. Despite the public perception, I am a very private person who has a hard time with the fame thing.

Astrologer: Firstly, I want to discuss your early life and how you were raised. You are the daughter of actor Johnny Voight and Marcheline Bertrand, the family separated when you were about two years old. Looking at the natal chart, I see that you have Uranus (freedom, revolution and changes) in the 4th house. Uranus operates different from the "norm" or "status qua" and this is evident in your personal home and background. Uranus in the 4th house is often a classic indicator for parents who have divorced/separated. In your biography, it states, that you never felt settled as a child and moved house frequently. With Uranus in the 4th house it can show a need to breakaway and rebel against early roots. There can be sense of being uprooted, and often when you feel settled and secure something shatters that normality apart. Uranus also describes our need to be free from convention. Therefore, natives with this placement often have the desire to be free from the shackles of what most people label a 'traditional' home and family. In this light, security means something entirely different for you, and it's not how most people would define it. These feelings of an unconventional spirit at home is a trait that you share with your father. What are your thoughts on this?

Angelina: "Divorce isn't good for children, especially when they're teenagers. I went through a lot of dark things, which my father wanted me to stop. But there was no way. I never felt settled or calm. You can't really commit to life when you feel that.

Astrologer: Lets delve into some more of the astrological aspects in your chart and see if we can clarify some issues for you. In the astrological horoscope our parental relationship is signified by the Sun and Moon in the chart. We look to planets in the 4th and 10th houses for additional information on the early parental bond. The Sun in astrology symbolises the father archetype and he is often viewed as the "hero" of the family. You have Sun opposite 'nebulous' Neptune. It isn't an easy image to ground, and in astrology Neptune represents the glamorized aspects of life, and obviously signifying your father the 'actor'. Neptune doesn't always represent a tangible father, sometimes he is emotionally or physically absent. It is no secret that you have ambivalent feelings towards your father and you have blamed his infidelity for breaking up the family. However, Sun-Neptune in the natal chart can show that you have an unconscious idealisation of your father.

I would imagine your father Jon is very creative and these are the gifts which you have inherited from him. There are many facets to his character that can be applied to Neptune. For some, the father wasted his life because his 'pipe dream' failed and subsequently this leads his down that of the alcoholic, womaniser, and thise sad quality that permates his self, can lead him towards depression and financial failure.

A Neptunian father is the most difficult type to have a 'real' relationship with, and there is always an inaccessibility that exists. You lost contact with your father for years, and this may be due to the Sun's rays being placed in the communicative Gemini and is in opposition to Neptune (lost, confusion and nebulous feelings). Therefore you lost all pathways to talking to him on an ordinary level. Perhaps, this has left you with great disillusionment concerning your father.  Another point to consider is the Sun in Gemini opposite Neptune trying on all those acting roles, to determine which identity fits. Sun-Neptune has difficulty defining indiidual identity. You have a yearning to be someone, and yet for a long time you were not sure who that "someone" was.

According to highly acclaimed astrologer Liz Greene - "Any planet aspecting the Sun points to a particular facet of the father-archetype, which it is the individuals "task" to confront and express as creatively as possible. The Neptunian father is rendered impotent by life's harshness or his own burden of human sin. The Neptunian father is a spirit that has not embodied himself in life; and his child is left to find her own model for confident living. It's not surprising that many Sun-Neptune individuals take a long time to do so". She says, "We are handicapped by something someone did not do, because the personal parents are people and not archetypes. Sun-Neptune does not connote a better or worse father than any other. Nor do horoscopes make any objective comment on whether the personal father or mother is loving or unloving, good or evil, conscious or unconscious. The vanishing father becomes the vanishing god, whose embrace we seek beyond life. When you fall in love, it will be with someone you cannot have, on one level or another". Can you elaborate more on the relationship with your Dad?

Angelina: My parents divorced when I was little and my Dad was never really absent in my life, but we didn't spend all the time we could together. My Dad was very supportive, but there were still questions that I wanted to ask him. There's only so much energy in this life, I don't want him to make my stomach go into knots anymore. I have men in my life. I have a brother. So my children will have male teachers. I was raised without a father. I saw my mother very stressed, often, and crying a lot. I didn't want that for my kids. I believe the only people that should be around a child and raising a child are people who absolutely, 100 percent love that child.

Fortunately, I got to a place in my life where I realized that, no matter what he said, I was a good person, and a good friend, and I am a good mother. And because I'm an adoptive mother, I don't see blood as family. I see time and love -- you earn it. You can't just call yourself a father. I don't hate my father. I don't blame him for divorcing my mother, or having affairs. He went off path. I don't respect the way he treated my family as I was growing up. But we survived, and we're a good family. I just don't want to dedicate one more tear, or watch my mother cry one more time.

Astrologer: You have Sun in Gemini in a wide conjunction to Mercury, and this makes your personality very Mercurial. It is often said that Gemini is like a split personality. UK star and topless model Jordan has two alter ego's one is Jordan the pin up/overblown model and the other is Katie Price (supposedly normal self). She too has a Gemini Sun and both personalities tend to overpower and battle it out in her psyche. The immortal and the ordinary twins in Mythic Astrology. How do you feel about different aspects of your personality?

Angelina: If I didn't have my films as an outlet for all the different sides of me, I would probably be locked up.

Astrologer: Gemini's love disguise and mimicry which is great for acting too, but you can become restless, bored and move on quickly to the next thing that grabs your interest. It's very difficult to pin down the butterflies (Gemini) of the zodiac.

Angelina: "Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else." -"The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon." -

Astrologer: Many things in life catch your 'Gemini' attention it's all about keeping life light and interesting. You have a powerful urge to communicate and with your Sun in the 11th house you focus on broader issues. We are all aware of the work you do as an humanitarian.

Angelina: “I entered this business (acting) before I had focus and purpose in my life. I was very unhappy, very unhealthy…”

Astrologer: You are a goodwill ambassador and work with refugees.

Angelina: They have seen so much, they've felt so much pain – lost more than anyone could bear and yet they contain joy of life and appreciation for small things we often forget. In any UNHCR office, in any one of the many areas around the world, you will find an amazing mix of hard-working and often very tired people. What is beautiful to me is that the men and women are always a mix of nationalities who have come together with the common goal – to help others. That is the UN at its best."

Astrologer: Here is a video of you and your partner Brad in action, truly inspirational. The Sun in astrology represents our purpose and life goal. You say here that you want to make a difference in the world and this is what motivates you, and not your celebrity status. The Sun in the 11th house needs to focus on some kind of goal or social ideal and you gravitate towards others who share these same goals. You have an interest in reform and in bettering the world we live in. You are striving towards upholding a humanitarian cause and in getting your message (Gemini urge to communicate) across and perhaps your celebrity status has enhanced these causes, you gain more recognition for your cause. Sun in Aquarius or in the 11th house believes in people power and coming together to make a difference.

Astrologer: What are you hoping to accomplish|?

Angelina: Awareness [of] the plight of these people. I think they should be commended for what they have survived, not looked down upon. I think people are often uncomfortable and don’t like the idea. They seem to shy away because of what it means to them. I think these are really amazing people that are not really understood. Also, I personally just wanted to meet these people around the world and know them, because they are my heroes, and I think they are wonderful people.

Astrologer: What do you teach your children about these worldwide issues?

Angelina: “I want them to see it as an area where they can go down the street and play football with those kids and get to know them and, as they grow up, see them as friends they spend time with. I hope if I raise them with a more accurate view of the world than I was raised with, then they will naturally be better people. And I’m sure my children will be visiting and learning from refugees in the future.”

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