Saturn a New Look at an Old Devil

Saturn a New Look at an Old Devil is written by Liz Greene, and published in 1976. It firmly remains the best treatise on the planet Saturn. The beginning of the book centres upon the story of Beauty and the beast and how for all his ugliness, his sternness, and capacity to inspire fear, should at the end turn into the Handsome Prince and marry the heroine.

According to Greene in the opening paragraphs, she believes that there is a tendency in astrology to read symbols in the astrological natal chart according to the prevailing social mores of that time. The use of  "good" and "bad" planets moral and immoral aspects and the either or quality that tend to permeate astrology. In this light, we need to consider the handsome Prince that lies behind the beastly face of Saturn.

Greene considers Saturn to be the educational value of pain and the difference between external values, expectations and fears of failure in the eyes of others, and the insistant need to look within for our values. When we love ourselves for our failures and inadequacies, only then can we be freed from Saturn's monstrous side. Saturn is the most maligned planet in astrology and probably standing next to Pluto.

Besides Saturn's difficult attributes, it is the meeting of difficulties, limitations and basic lack that provides the impetus to overcome obstacles and work that much harder. Greene touches upon the latent truth that self-discovery holds the key to free-will, but the author says that not many people have experienced this phenomena.

Unless expansion of consciousness occurs we are but a pawn in the hands of fate, and this seems to be logic behind the Greene's examination of Saturn. It is important that you read the introduction carefully to understand the approach of the book and not be too quick with criticisms.

'Saturn, A New Look at an Old Devil' details all the natal aspects at length, along with synsatry contacts. After reading this book you will find it to be a constant companion in the delineation of Saturn and the realization of the underlying symbolism of the planet, perhaps by achieving confidence and achievement because of Saturn and not in spite of him.

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