Vanished Without a Trace: Louis Le Prince

Louis Le Prince was an inventor who was considered by many historians as the true father of motion pictures, he shot his first moving pictures on paper using a single lens. He was never able to perform a planned public demonstration in the United States because he mysteriously disappeared. On the 16th September 1890, he boarded a train, promising friends he would rejoin them in Paris on the following Monday, and this was to be followed by a trip to the U.S to promote his new camera. He did not arrive at the appointed time and was never seen again. The French Police and his family undertook an exhaustive search, but never found his luggage or body. A century later, an archive was found to contain a photograph of a drowned man that could have been him.

There are five theories for his disappearance.

1. A missing person - No strange behaviour was reported, and no one saw Le Prince board the train apart from his brother. Perhaps the conclusion is that he didn’t want to be found.

2. Perfect Suicide - According to police Le Prince wanted to commit suicide because he was on the verge of bankruptcy. Le Prince had arranged his suicide, and took care of his belongings.

3. Patent war assassins - Christopher Rawlence pursues the assassination theory. At the time that he vanished he was about to patent his 1889 projector for official exhibition. His widow assumed fowled play, although no evidence was found. However, Rawlence prefers the suicide theory.

4. Disappearance ordered by the family - Another theory was proposed, and it was thought that he voluntarily disappeared for reasons of financial order and family convenience. A note was found that stated Le Prince died in Chicago in 1898, voluntarily disappeared at he family’s request. This statement was made by a famous historian, but kept secret.

5. Murdered for money - Another theory questioned why his brother never stopped him going on the train, if it was believed he would commit suicide.

Loius Le Prince was born under a cardinal t-square involving Venus in Libra, Pluto in Aries and Jupiter in Capricorn. A cardinal t-square can symbolize someone who has ambition, and lots of energy to pursue his goals. For Louis, life always has to be happening, and he would be the one to initiate change in his environment. He thrives on crisis and is motivated by challenge. Venus in Libra is powerful in its own sign; this means he enjoys the companionship of others, and he can be attracted to art, music, and law. Financial gain can be made through these activities. With Jupiter at apex of a t-square he has to be careful about misjudging situations or over committing himself to something. The immediate realities can be overlooked when Jupiter the planet of expansion, growth and excess is stressed. All his buoyancy and luck (Jupiter) is focused through Capricorn, and here we have a clash between optimism and pessimism. This placement can indicate wealth is lost, but on the whole he believes in tradition establishment and working hard.

The optimist versus the pessimist motif is further accentuated because Jupiter is in conjunction with Saturn (restrictions, fear, delay), and his luck can run out. However, this does indicate a hardworking individual who sadly might have suffered from difficult material circumstances. He will have fluctuated from feeling hopeful about his future, and then back down to feeling depressed and pessimistic about his whole situation. According to James Braha in his book How to be a Great Astrologer, "Jupiter-Saturn aspects are the most common features in the charts of suicides". Liz Greene in her book Saturn a New Look at an old Devil says “And after the aspects of Venus-Saturn, these are the favorite choice for suicides". Lois Le Prince also had a wide Venus square Saturn aspect. This could be pointing powerfully towards the suicide theory. Again there is another Mars-Neptune aspect in the natal chart, and this can be a common feature in the charts of people who have physically disappeared. In Louis Le Prince's chart Mars is in the creative sign of Leo, and Louis would not like to feel small, he will always want to maintain his honour, he has a very sensitised Mars with Neptune in opposition, and this can symbolize his artistic and creative interest in film.

Transits at the time of his disappearance -

Transiting Saturn in Virgo was crossing his Sun-Mercury conjunction, and this shows a heavy analytical time; he would have had a serious and pessimistic frame of mind and outlook. He could even be feeling extra ambitious with this combination, but at the same time feeling depressed and frustrated. There could be great scepticism about his future. He may have also felt isolated, burdened and suffered a significant loss. It can be a positive aspect for achievement at this time. Le Prince, however, had transiting Neptune & Pluto in Gemini square his Sun-Mercury conjunction in Virgo. We see foggy Neptune and secretive Pluto in the picture of another disappearance. During his Neptune transit he was going though a period of confusion and self-doubt, and he isn’t sure about his identity, he probably felt he was falling apart under this difficult aspect. A loss of hope and difficulty in achieving objectivity are the usual interpretations of this aspect. He would need to enter this phase of confusion until he could gain a new sense of himself. It would have been a difficult process. His old self-image is washed away, and he would have been under self-destructive urges at this time. Astrologers warn about the use of alcohol, drugs, and other substances under Neptune transits. And of course drowning would be a Neptuinan indication if we go with the suicide theory. He would certainly have felt a victim in life with Neptune hanging around his Sun. With Pluto and Neptune there can be heightened feelings and he wanted to be "somebody" Perhaps death (Pluto) by drowning (Neptune) is foretold in these transits. A loss of control can be indicated, and it is possible he could have been living a deceptive life at this time.

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