Pluto in Libra in the 2nd House

pluto in 2nd house woman lying on earth wrapped in valuable pearls
The Threat to Security in Relationships

The Pluto in Libra generation are dealing with relationships at their core and how to relate equally. Pluto placed in the sign of partnership is  purging and detoxifying our relationships. Wherever Pluto is placed in the natal chart there is a tremendous amount of emotional investment. And when those Libra scales are tipped too far one way, Pluto will pull the proverbial rug from under our feet and enforce that we re-balance our affairs. The previous generation - Pluto in Virgo, focused on duty, work, health and sorting out their lives using critical analysis. Psychological self-analysis, and practical techniques at this time were POWERFULLY developed. As Pluto entered Libra it was time to RELATE.

Key points for Pluto in Libra in the 2nd house concerning relationships -

Stability and material sustenance can be blocked in relationships. Pluto in Libra in the 2nd house may be focused on merging finances, but financial security may be difficult to achieve in partnership. It is a well known fact that the leading cause of eruptions in relationships is related to money. If one partner earns considerably more in a partnership it creates an unbalanced situation, because the person that holds the chequebook, also holds the financial power. The rug can be pulled out from under the partner's feet. Balancing finances in relationships is essential, and  Pluto in the 2nd house must not seek sustenance through other people.

Pluto in the 2nd house may be struggling to survive under a pile of debt, and forced to declare bankruptcy, or left to survive on a small income. This kind of situation may create resentment and jealousy towards people who do have money and live a wealthy lifestyle. Pluto rules criminals and the underworld and an individual forced to survive on nothing may resort to crime and steal possessions from others. These are rare cases when an individual is filled with hate, greed and materialism and money equals power. Pluto in the 2nd house can indicate a transformation of finances, and we may have a rags to riches story. In either case Pluto goes to extreme.

Pluto in Libra in the 2nd house may relate to a possessive partner, someone who possesses deep feelings of insecurity. The threat of losing a partner and his/her resources leads to all LOSS of SECURITY. Pluto in this house position may be controlled by a jealous and possessive partner and his/her affections are payed for. EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT is a key theme in this type relationship. When someone thinks of you as a valuable possession, this can convey the message hat you are WORTHY (2nd) of their affections, and this makes you feel valued/owned and controlled and can elicit many different responses.  However, this type of extreme reaction occurs because of the terror (Pluto) this loss of security brings. Possessiveness claims ownership of another and the manipulation behind it can eventually destroy the partnership. However, the issue of jealousy or possessiveness belongs to both people, and the real issue is self-sufficiency and resourcefulness.

A partner can be a seen as a symbol of wealth and material status, and a boost to self-worth. You gain FINANCIAL POWER by being with a partner who is wealthy. This situation can lead to power struggles and is limiting you from investing in your own talents, skills and resources. And you need to be vigilant about others enforcing their OWN values on you. Furthermore, underground resentments have a way of surfacing and will force you both to seek balance.

During Pluto's transit of Libra; the divorce rate went up, and the institution of marriage died. Many relationships erupted or ended completely at this time. Divorce was made simple and the face of marriage (Libra) transformed (Pluto). Those born during this time are now rebuilding relationships and finding new ways to relate to others. Pluto in this position is learning how to be self-reliant (2nd) in relationships (Libra). And the value that is attached to relationships is undergoing an extreme makeover. You might need to examine your generation's social conditioning and consumerism addictions. Accruing money and possessions may be your way to compensate for lack of love or security in childhood and to prove your worth to the world. If your fiances are blocked and you are achieving no growth in this area, this may reflect feelings of low self-worth and you need to find self-empowerment in regards to your financial status.

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