Astrology: Sagittarius and the Ninth House

Sagittarius is the 9th zodiac sign on the astrology wheel, and it is represented by a centaur, he is half man, half horse. The name is Latin and means archer, the centaur holds in his hands a bow and arrow. The arrow symbolises distant horizons and aims that the Sagittarian pursues in his quest for knowledge. Sagittarius is considered masculine (extroverted sign) and represents the element of fire. Sagittarius' mode is mutable, meaning his goals are not fixed and as a restless fire sign he rarely stays in one place for too long. Sagittarius and the 9th house are ruled by the planet Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. The 9th house is the last of the fiery houses, it is here that man seeks his own philosophy on life. The 9th house concerns travel, religion. law, or higher education and Philosophy which is a system of thought that begins and ends with questions, therefore the spiritual teacher and guru can be found in this domain.

The mysteries of life are penetrated in the 8th house and are explored in the ninth house. Any experience that broadens our understanding of the fundamental issues of nature belongs in the ninth house. Sagittarius is seated between Scorpio and Capricorn on the zodiac wheel, and these are NOT optimistic signs. Capricorn follows Sagittarius and is more realistic - if not "pessimistic". When understanding the signs that evolve around the zodiac wheel, remember that the following sign in the zodiac always compensates to the EXTREME for the previous sign's shortcomings. Scorpio is aware of the dark side of man and human brutality, and understandably is less naive and trusting in the "goodness" of life. Now, Sagittarius has a lot more FAITH in life, and he seeks that larger purpose and "meaning" to all life. One of Sagittarius' worst fears is to live a life that is MEANINGLESS and ORDINARY.

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