Michael Jackson: Jupiter conjunct Neptune

Michael Jackson's recent death has caused a surge of public interest, and he has achieved the status of saint again. I do like him as an artist, and with Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Libra this is an over idealistic sign/aspect, and he is a man who loved peace and harmony. Michael Jackson is the one of the greatest performers who ever lived. As well as helping to pave the way for other black artists, he has been a much loved entertainer around the world. However, he had some turbulent years, and after his death he was like a Phoenix rising from the ashes (Pluntionian). Michael has generously donated millions of dollars to charities, and he has raised a considerable amount of money throughout his "Heal the World Foundation". A highly compassionate nature, and emphasized sensitivity. This song particularly emphasizes the idealism of his natal aspect, it is a beautiful song. You can see the common thread through these three men (Luther, Obama & Jackson), although different in many ways, they all share idealism and hope for a better tomorrow. It becomes easy to understand why deep disappointment and disillusionment can often follow if these dreams are not materialized.

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