Franklin E. Sigler: Medal of Honour

Franklin E. Sigler was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Iwo Jima campaign — a one-man assault on a Japanese gun position which had been holding up the advance of his company for several days, and for annihilating the enemy gun crew with hand grenades. Although painfully wounded during his attack, he directed the fire of his squad and personally carried three of his buddies who were wounded to safety behind the lines.

Franklin's natal chart is dominated by the element of water and he has a pronounced number of trines and a grand water trine, these aspects consist of two or more planets positioned at an angle of 120 degrees from each other, it is said to bestow special talents and fortunate circumstances, the trine is completely void of friction, its gifts may be taken for granted and, unless other factors indicate activity the opportunity for personal development may be missed.

What Drives his Chart?

The Sun is in Scorpio conjunct Mercury and Saturn in the 3rd house. Frank is a proud and intense man, and he needed to be fulfilled in work that provided autonomy and deep emotional commitment. Mercury in Scorpio is the deep thinker of the zodiac, and his Saturn in Scorpio has absolute loyalty to loved ones. However, Saturn represents issues of fear, repression and control. It can denote discipline, practical and organizational talents, all these attributes form a part of his self-expression (Sun). When Saturn is placed in the 8th sign of the zodiac (Scorpio) it can indicate a deep fear of betrayal and humiliation at the hands of others. Frank was not going to go down easily in battle. When the squad leader was shot down he took charge of his men. Natally Sun-Saturn conjunct in Scorpio describes a deep sense of responsibility, self-sufficiency and amazing mental resourcefulness (the 3rd house concerns his intellect, and thinking). The third house represents the environment we live and work, it rules the media, transport and education systems, and it is the house of correspondence. The third house is also known as the house of brothers.

The 3rd house has rulership over siblings and his brother was killed in a traffic accident when he was around 22 years old. Third house conflict can involve mental trauma and he might have suffered mental depression over the death of his brother and the brutality he witnessed on the battlefield. When Franklin Sigler died he was buried next to his brother at the cemetery. Pluto the planet of regeneration, survival and death, is in his 11th house of friends, associations and groups, and describes his extraordinary zeal and commitment to a larger cause. The death of friends and the survival of the group are powerful themes here. Friendships are formed through times of crisis and trauma (Pluto). Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 4th house, explains travel abroad, and it squares the conjunction of Moon-Mars in Pisces in the 7th house of relationships, public, and open enemies. His home and country are important to him, he is deeply patriotic. Moon-Mars has fiercely protective instincts and he is very sensitive to threat, it can be a volatile combination and explains his experience on the battlefield and coming under fire, the conjunction is in Pisces which highly sensitizes both planets and there is an element of sacrifice for others. Mars in the 7th house can describe being attacked by others, and can indicate work in the armed forces.

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