
Pluto’s meaning derives from it’s association with Scorpio and the 8th house. Pluto is associated with Hades a mythological figure, who’s domain is the underworld, the keeper of souls. Again, as I discussed with Mercury-Neptune we are bridging two distinctly different worlds together, one of the rational conscious mind, and the other of the underworld. In Pluto we find all that is repressed, hidden and taboo in society. Mercury is completely neutral in astrology, and in mythology he was the only planet who could travel to the underworld, suggesting the mind can travel anywhere.
Pluto rules all the taboo matters in life, such as death, sex, abuse, murder, crime, rapists, hate groups. In addition, Pluto also rules all the transforming elements in life. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a Butterfly. The phoenix a mythical bird rising out of it’s own ashes. Regeneration, renewal, the cycle of death and rebirth. Pluto symbolizes our resourcefulness in a crisis situation, it also rules the mysterious and the unknown.

The further away a planet is from the Sun the more powerful it is. Pluto is the smallest and farthest planet from the Sun. Pluto can change our fundamental perception of reality and this is how the pathway opens for Mercury into Pluto. Through the intellect we become an agent for change and transformation (Pluto).
Mercury is the tour guide of the mind into the lower depths, and we face a long and perilous journey into the dark depths of the unknown, and into the shadow side of life. This may take us into deep depression, paranoia, destructiveness and obsession . In the Tarot Pluto is linked with the Death card, and it is the most feared card in the deck, it suggests an inevitable fate of some kind, an ending which makes way for new cycle of growth to begin. A necessary change, but one that is frightening to the ego. Under Pluto’s domain we are often forced to let go. Pluto will bring us to the brink of devastation, and force us into deep reflection.

Pluto in contact to Mercury is suggesting the perception of a new reality. The process of inner growth will penetrate and transform the mind. Pluto contains a storehouse of riches, but we need to travel deep within ourselves to obtain it. Mercury-Pluto will delve deeply into all nature, primal desires and urges. Transformation of this kind means leaving our previous floor of consciousness, and taking the lift down into the basement. The specific meaning of this mythological journey between Mercury and Pluto, is to attain knowledge, and to “know” one’s own dark depths.

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