Long Life

Jeanne Louise Calment was a Frenchwoman with the longest confirmed lifespan in history at 122 years and 164 days (44,724 days in total).She lived in Arles, France, for her entire life, and outlived both her daughter and grandson. Because her husband was wealthy, she never worked, instead living a comfortable lifestyle. She became well-known from the age of 113, when the centenary of Vincent van Gogh brought reporters to Arles, as she was the last person living to have met the artist. She entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1988, and in 1993 was declared the oldest person who had ever lived (while discounting the disputed case of Shigechiyo Izumi. Her lifespan has been thoroughly documented by scientific study, with more records having been produced to verify her age than for any other case.

Astrology Chart (no Birth time)

I know what your thinking, an accurate birth time is definitely needed for this post, and I agree. But just look at the exact water trine between her Sun in Pisces trine Jupiter in Scorpio. One of these planets may rule the Asc or the 6th house or 8th house. Astrotheme has her Sun in 1st house conjunct Asc trining an 8th house Jupiter. Water is a “healing element”, and if the Sun is on her Ascendant her lifespan has been enhanced. Venus the planet of love and relationships is in Capricorn (maturity) trine Pluto (growth & regenerartion) in Taurus. The Venus-Pluto trine in earth signifies why she was taken care of financially by her husband. Venus rules relationships, and Pluto is money received from others, both planets are in the material (earth) signs.

Quotes by Jeanne Calment:
*I took pleasure when I could.
*I acted clearly and morally without regret. I’m very lucky.
*I’m interested in everything but passionate about nothing.
*I’m not afraid of anything.
*I’ve been forgotten by our Good Lord.
*Not having children is one less worry. Children are a worry.

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