Women in science around the blogs

Miscellaneous posts from around the blogs that I've been collecting the past few weeks (yes, I'm a lazy blogger).

Rosa at Fairer Science points to an old post by SciMom about Speaking Up and Speaking Out.
Charlie Anders and Annalee Newitz of She's Such a Geek were interviewed on the bat segundo show.
Subjects Discussed: The gender divide in science and technology, whether empirical accounts can raise public awareness, present historical perceptions of gender in relation to past perceptions, female stereotypes, positive cultural portrayals of women, Trinity from The Matrix, Scarlett Thomas, the at we call "empirical evidence".
Abel Pharmboy writes about the two high school students, Anna Devathasan and Jenny Suo, whose science project resulted in a big fine for GlaxoSmithKline.
Pat at Fairer Science writes about a Discovery Channel job posting looking for an engineer to host a new series, ideally under-50 and male (along with the Discovery Channel's response).
Biologist Megha Satyanarayana writes in Inkling Magazine about her battle with math anxiety.
Math anxiety definitely stayed with me well past the era of exams. In my later years of graduate school, I had to extract DNA from small numbers of cells. Extraction yielded a minuscule amount of DNA that I needed to use for several experiments. Because I had so little starting material, my palms would sweat when I had to figure out how much to use in even the most basic experiment. I would do the equation five or six times, until I kept getting the same answer over and over. I knew I could do it, but I couldn’t believe I could do it.
Andrea at the Official Shrub blog has "Geek Girl" Stereotype Bingo.

Basically the rules are that when you see a media article, blog post, or anything else talking about women in relation to a geeky hobby (gaming, technology, science, etc) you pull out this scorecard and mark down which points the article touches on. If you get three in a row (diagonal counts), you win! If you get blackout, you win even more!

Unfortunately, it's an easy game to win.
Annalee at She's Such a Geek remembers pioneering computer science professor Karen Spärck Jones, who died April 4th.
Jones is famous for saying that computer science is too important to be left to men.
Annalee points out that it isn't particularly surprising that the official death announcement included a paragraph about the career of Jones' husband.

Finally, a Natural Scientist has excellent advice on choosing a lab to do graduate work in.

I'll try to do better keeping up with my posting!

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