Sun in 10th House

sun in 10th house
The Sun in the 10th house often signifies success and recognition in the chosen vocation. Self development is central in their career and they may become over identified with their social status and position in the world and enjoy being at the top of their profession. Those with Sun in the 10th house desire to become socially influential, moreover, they are aspiring and advancing towards public recognition. For this person, they want to realize and attain their ambitions, but may find it difficult being in the role of employee and would rather become a leader, rising to positions of authority, supervisory and management levels.

Problems can arise, when self worth and fulfilment are dependent on the degree of success in the community. Parental influences may also affect the career choice. As a rule, the 10th house rules vocation and calling, responsibility, society, fame and honour. From an outsiders point of view,  the individual may appear to be wrapped up in their professional life, similarly, they need to be a dramatic and central figure, held in high esteem. The M.C rules authority figures and the things that shape us in into self-sufficient and functioning adults. It also represents the ultimate aims of the material houses (2nd, 6th and 10th house), and the long climb to the top. The challenge for this person is to find their place in the world and make a significant contribution.

"We must try and remember what and whom we serve when we claim the title of manager, director, member of Parliament, chairman, president or prime minister. Because of the deeper implications of Solomon's judgement, he wins the respect of all his people and is allowed to rule without rebellion or revolution. With power comes responsibility, and with achievement comes the need to turn within and discover what the achievement is for, and whom and what it really serves." The Mythic Journey, Liz Greene and Juliet Burke

The tenth house rules reputation and how we perceive authority, including parents, bosses and the government. Although they need power, depending on the aspects they must also learn how to handle it wisely. The midheaven is the point at which we try to make our mark on the world. Tom Hanks was born with Sun in Cancer in the 10th house, his father worked long hours and often left the children to fend for themselves, it taught them lessons in self-sufficiency. Hanks has established high credentials as an actor and he has carved out a massively successful career.

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