Patrick's Mars's is conjunct Lisa's Saturn in Scorpio, and this is a powerful conjunction in the chart. Seething sexuality, coolness, control and passion all come together. Lisa's cool character only heats up Patrick's Mars in Scorpio. We all know Mars is sexually excited by a challenge and that is what Lisa represents. Traditionally this is a malefic contact and has been linked to physical and sexual violence in a realtionship. It can be an indicator of this, but it depends on how the couple handles this difficult conjunction. Here is Liz Greene's take on this contact in synastry, "We are issued stern warnings by various writers that a Mars-Saturn tie between two charts bodes nothing but trouble, even the "harmonious" aspects. One is left with the impression that two individuals who find this contact existant between them should run in opposite directions. One might assume, on superficial interpretation, that this aspect ought to cause repulsion and dislike paticularly on the sexual level, as Mars symbolises the physical desires and passions. Why then do Mars-Saturn contacts appear with such great frequency when a serious emotional comittment or involvemnet occurs, perhaps more often than the Mars-Venus connection which is supposed to designate strong attraction? And why, rather than repelling, do they seem at the beginning, at least- to be concurrent with such intense and almost feverish sexual attraction?
This contact has a reputation for producing passion before marriage and increasing coldness and sometimes violence afterwards. Here the qualities of Saturn's sign , or element, or quadruplicity are inflamed by Mar's being placed there; they appear full blown, concentrated, rendered slightly aggressive, overt and sometimes slightly arrogant, and they are chanelled not only in the will energy and drive but, more importantly from the perspective of relationships, into sexual style and drive as well. Mars symbolises passion, Saturn fear. It is no wonder that the unconscious individual caught in this kind of contact is fascinated like a bird before a snake". It would seem Patrick's determined and passionate Mars in Scorpio wants to get past Lisa's defences and the physical energy is usually highly disciplined in this partnership. There is great endurance, courage and willingness to overome any obstacle. The patnership works best when they pursue goals with passionate commitment. Obviously there is the need to be aware that this can be a difficult contact and they have had their fair share of psychic conflicts that can at times spill out into violence of some sort. Lisa's control and distance can create passionate fury in Patrick's Mars. The couple have faced a lot in their relationship and this shows in their more difficult contacts. Patrick has battled alcohol, cocain and a riding accident that almost left him paralyzed, and his final battle was the fight against Cancer.
Soon after meeting Lisa, he moved to New York to be a ballet dancer. When Lisa came to New York, she moved in with him - but the romance remained unconsummated for a year.'I had to propose before we felt our relationship was serious enough to have sex with each other,' he said. Their relationship has been more romantic than any of his roles: he always maintained she was the most beautiful woman he ever saw, his best friend, and a better dancer than he.
Not long before his death, he paid tribute to her: 'I have no greater respect for any other human being on this earth like I have for her. Part of me says I couldn't have made it through without her, but, of course, the other part of me says I could have, but not nearly as elegantly as I have.'
I have demons in me. If I try to control those demons, they kill me... I have learnt to embrace those demons. That's why I jump out of aeroplanes and surf and ride, and test the skills I have.'
Patrick's Pluto in Leo is opposite Lisa's Mars in Aquarius and can symbolise a hot and heavy relationship here. These two fight for survival and this can bring out some raw emotions. Mars in Aquarius is more ethical and detached and will ditance themselves from the unconscious powerful ego of Swayze and his all his sexual drive (Pluto). It can show power and control, agression and dark sexuality. The relationship had it's difficult conflicts and perhaps there were some magnificent jealous and angry outbursts. Lisa often felt angered with Patrick's slide into addiction and he was dangerous to his own health. He smoked 60 cigarettes a day and has stated that he was a bit of a wild boy. However, these two have amazing sexual chemistry together. Both were excellent dancers which no doubt channeled all this powerful energy onto the dancefloor. A great couple who fought many battles together. It was not written in the stars that this was going to be an easy ride. However, for both of them it has been a journey of transformation, healing and soul searching. The relationship touched some very dark depths but there is no denying these two were a strong couple. Through crisis and tough emotional upheaval they have developed both strength and courage. The final test was letting go of one another as death inevitably breaks all relationships apart.
“I thought during the 22 months of my husband’s illness that it gave me all this time to get used to the idea of losing him. And I found for myself, when I actually got to that point, I said, ‘N-n-n-n-n-No.’ It wasn’t the same at all. The actual loss – it’s like an animal all of its own... It made all the sadness and grief previous to that look like an intellectual concept. This sadness was on a cellular level.”
Luckily, she has good friends on which she can rely, friends who’ve told her she can ask for their help whenever she feels despair is taking over. Niemi has been very self-sufficient thus far, which is one of the main reasons why she initially had some issues with turning to others for help, but she eventually got over that when she realized there was no way she could cope with the loss on her own. As for regrets, she has more than plenty – but her biggest one is not telling Patrick “I love you” enough.
“When the grief takes you, it’s like your body is not your own. I’m just going with the flow. I know I have to go through it. I’ve spent two thirds of my life with him... My regret is that I didn’t tell him that I loved him enough over that entire 34 years. I am so grateful for what I had and my connection to him, and part of me believes that I will see him again, and I’m just going to have to go on until then.”
Here are the couple in a beautful dance together. This is very emotional to watch. It's sad to see such an amazing couple parted. Until they are reunited again in spirit, here they are in true harmonious synastry.
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