Natally, Beyonce has five planets in Libra, and this shows us that she is predominately ruled by Venus; the planet of love, attraction and harmony. Venus is in a close conjunction to Pluto, Beyonce is powerfully attractive, and the goddess of love (Venus) is in partnership with the God of the underworld (Pluto). Hades rules transformation, power and sex .This tells us, that Beyonce loves courtship and romance in a relationship, and she is looking to transform her values and share a deep and profound bond with a partner. Beyonce has found a creative outlet for such sensual intensity through her art. Her Librian side is a lot cooler and more relatable, and she values harmony and peace and these values are deeply important to her. After the original Destiny’s Child group dis-banded, there was a legal dispute (Libra) with former members and she was probably left very unbalanced by all of this conflict. Libra is always trying to find ways to balance and smooth over troubled waters. Luckily for her the group harmonised better with three members and there was less conflict in the newly formed group. And it seemed some resolution was made with former members and the conflict was eventually “smoothed” over.
Beyonce’s Sun is in Virgo and is unaspected, this means that it makes no “major” aspects in her chart and this makes a powerful statement about whether or not she is recognised for who she really is. An unaspected Sun can express itself with some force because it is essentially unnoticed by the other planets in her chart. The only aspect we can consider in relation to her self-expression is the tight semi-sextile between her Sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Libra. The Sun has no real dialogue here with the other planets. Libra dominates with conjunctions and she has stated herself that she is attracted to charming men and that she is a sucker for all that is charming. In the next breath however, she hates “yes” people who only tell her what she wants to hear. The infusion of Pluto here needs true relating with more depth and emotional honesty; she would hate too much superficiality in her relationships with others. Female rivalry was rife with ex Destinys Child members (Venus-Pluto). Perhaps too much “niceness” and not enough honest sharing of their real resentments caused former band members (from her point of view) to betray her.
Going back to her Sun in Virgo, I have noticed with the lyrical content in her songs, that she belives in being whole within herself and belonging to no man. Take one of her latest songs. “Single Ladies” she sings “If you liked it then you should of put a ring on it, don’t be mad once you see that he want it". In another song “Irreplaceable” she told her man that he clearly doesn’t know "who she is" if he thinks that she needs to depend on him for anything, and told him how she could have a another man in a minute, in fact he will be here in a minute!! Take this song “Me, Myself and I” Beyonce has said this is one of her personal favourites. She sings “Foolish of me to compete when you cheat with loose women, it took me sometime but now I’ve moved on, and now I realize I got me myself and I, that’s all I got in the end. That’s what I found out and there aint no need to cry. I took a vow that from now on I’m gonna be my best friend".
Beyonce powerfully expresses the essence of Sun in Virgo; she might not always fully live it out, because she is still young and with the Sun we are always developing our essence. However, she powerfully recognises this aspect of herself, and she makes this message loud and clear to the rest of us (and the planets that don‘t commune with her Sun). When I first learned astrology - most books described Virgo as a neat organized and critical sign. You had the image of the Virgin, someone who is untouched innocent and pure. It wasn’t until I read Liz Greene’s work that I began to make the real connection with Virgo. According to Greene the Virgin Goddesses of the ancients were Virgin not in the sense of sexual innocence or naiveté for these goddesses were also prostitutes and ruled the mysterious of sexual union and birth. Virginal meant whole, single, possessed by no man, and the servant or slave of no husband or lover. She would never be a helpmeet for she was wholly herself, independent, self-contained, integrated, and dependent on no man for her meaning or expression. In the “Astrology of Fate” she further elaborated on the mythical meaning of Virgo...
“Virgo seems to embody a deep paradox, a combination of upright and almost schoolmarish Astraea set side by side with the orgiastic lunar harlot goddesses of Asia Minor. This paradox poses an enormous conflict for Virgo, and it is out of the conflict that Virgo’s pattern of development arises. Whether this is enacted as a collision between personal and professional life, between marriage and independence (a common theme), between spirituality and materialism, between morality and abandonment, Virgo struggles with these opposites throughout life and tries to encompass both. I have met a number of professional prostitutes during the course of my work, and some of them have been Virgo’s or Virgo ascendants, or Moon or Venus in Virgo; and I have been compelled to acknowledge this curious dichotomy of a strong inner moral sense coupled with what society would consider grossly immoral, or amoral behaviour. It has often made me wonder who are the real whores, in the sense that we generally use the word".
The Virgo archetype powerfuly reflects throughout Beyonce Knowles music. Now, lets contrast how Sun in Virgo works with Mars in Leo. Leo has been known to have the “ego” in the best sense of the word, and Virgo is the humble one. Mars is the male archetype in the psyche, and we often call it the woman’s animus. She can be attracted to men who resemble these qualities, because they also reflect a part of herself that she recognizes. In one of her other songs called "Ego" she describes how she is attracted to a man with an ego read on…
He's got such a big ego, such a huge ego
I love his big ego, it’s too much
He walks like this because he can back it up
Usually I am humble, right now I don’t choose
You can leave me or you can have the blues
Some call it arrogant, I call it confident
You decide when you know what I am working with
Damn I know I am killing you with them legs
Better yet with them thighs
Matter of fact it’s my smile or maybe my eyes
Boy you are a site to see, kinda something like me.
I explored Beyonce’s chart through her music and this describes her own energy accurately and precisely, even though there are some conflicting parts in her chart that can give us astrologers a headache, and reaching for the asprin. We all know that we have many sub-personalities within, and this is what makes up a whole individual. I had some bad relationships in my early years, and learning to be whole, single, possessed , and belonging to no man, are valuble lessons the archetype of Virgo can teach us (NN Virgo here).
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