According to some philosophies, purpose is central to a good human life. Helen Keller wrote that happiness comes from “fidelity to a worthy purpose”, and Ayn Rand wrote that purpose must be one of the three ruling values of human life (the others are reason and self-esteem). Some people hold that God assigns purposes to people and that it is their mission to fulfill them. Others hold that purpose is not inherent, but instead freely chosen (or not chosen) by individuals. Among these, some say that natural propensities may determine what sorts of purposes a person needs to pursue, but do not guarantee that he or she will pursue them, that being dependent on free choice. Self confidence and faith in our potentials, and to see possibilities, expansion and growth concerns the element of fire, and its ruling planets and houses. Take a look at your natal chart. Are you expressing all of who you are? Are you living your life to the full? The aspects to these fiery planets will reveal the obstacles that stand in your way, and who you need to be become on your path towards growth, expansion and fulfilling your purpose.
Aries: Me, Myself and I, that’s all I got in the end! Aries and its ruling planet Mars is where you will fight for what you want. It’s here where you will pursue your prize, like in Jason and the Argonauts, the mythical tale associated with the sign Aries. The battle begins, and Aries loves the quest. Aries is a courageous and enthusiastic sign, and represents a search for the self through activity that reaffirms its existence.
Mars is the macho planet associated with energy, masculinity, aggression and a competitive nature. Mars rules Aries and traditionally Scorpio, so it’s extra influential for people with their Sun or Ascendant in Aries or Scorpio. It is very strong when placed in the 1st (Aries) or 8th (Scorpio) house.
Leo rules the heart and connects to virtues such as courage, loyalty, love, and generosity. Leo represents the search for the self through the creative urge and desire to affect the immediate environment so that it reflects the individual identity of the ego. Leo is the stable centre around which everything else revolves, the sign encourages innate potential.
The Sun ruler of Leo governs our creativity, personality, ability and self expression it symbolises our true selves. The Sun is extra influential for people with their Sun or Ascendant in Leo. It is very strong when placed in the 5th (Leo) house.
Sagittarius is restless; he is a traveller keen on exploring and understanding life from a broader perspective. Sagittarius represents a search for the self through activity that reaffirms humanity’s place in both physical and spiritual worlds.
Jupiter is the planet of physical and mental expansion, self confidence, optimism, high, finance, luck, travel and justice. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and, traditionally Pisces, so is extra influential for people with the Sun or Ascendant in Sagittarius or Pisces. It is very strong when placed in the 9th (Sagittarius) or 12th (Pisces) house.
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