A proponent of Realpolitik, Kissinger played a dominant role in United States foreign policy between 1969 and 1977. During this period, he pioneered the policy of détente. He negotiated a settlement ending the war in Vietnam, but due to a combination of causes, the cease-fire proved unstable; no lasting peace resulted beyond the retreat of American troops.
In the Nixon and Ford administrations he cut a flamboyant figure, or the telegenicity of his companions made it seem so. He described himself as perhaps the only National Security Adviser to have a fan club. His foreign policy record made him a nemesis to the anti-war left and the anti-communist right.
Element Count Air = 22
Mode Count Mutable = 15
Element/Mode interpretation: = Highly intellectual, Verbally versatile. Air + Mutable = Mr Gemini!
Chart Analysis
Mercury R in Gemini is in the 12th house, communications (Mercury), behind the scenes, private talks, study in institutions (12th). In his biography online it states that as a child he was shy and withdrawn and was hesitant to speak. This can be connected to the introversion of the 12th house and Mercury turned inwards. However, the 12th also represents our hidden talents and the man who was unsure of his accent/communication grew up to be an advisor negotiating peace talks. Another interesting fact for Mercury in 12th is that at night he went to school and studied (the 12th house rules sleep, Mercury is thinking). Kissinger was drafted into U.S Army as a German interpreter. Mercury squares his 10th house Uranus, and when placed here vocations can involve science/technology/anything anti establishment/politics/collective ideals.
Venus is in Taurus in the 12th house (love of security, enjoys privacy and peace). Venus is opposed Jupiter in Scorpio 6th, and the link here is to foreign (Jupiter) relations (Venus). Kissinger was also Study Director in Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. Taurus is peace and stability of the land, and Scorpio is related to crisis and need for change, thus Kissinger attempts to bring peaceful relations between two countries when there is trouble.
Mars is in Gemini and conjuncts Asc, and trines Moon in Libra 5th. This configuration describes Kissinger as naturally confident (Moon-Mars) expressing ideas (Gemini), along with direct communication and *ease* with diplomacy and persuasion, the gifted negotiator (Moon in Libra/5th). We can also describe Mars in Gemini as a person who gets involved in heated talks, the Librian Moon needs to balance and create harmony, and is a natural deal maker. Neptune in Leo is angular and placed in the 3rd house, it is also part of a t.square with Venus in Taurus 12th house & Jupiter in Scorpio 6th. The Taurus/Scorpio opposition relates to the material and physical desires and also to what constitutes security & power.
With Neptune in 3rd there is a sensitive attunement to what others are thinking and feeling. Jupiter in Scorpio needs to be powerfully and emotionally involved in their beliefs. Jupiter in the 6th house can indicate work in travel or involving foreign countries. For Kissinger there has to be a lot of meaning attached to the work he does, he has to be of service to the collective (6th/12th axis) and inspire change. A longing for security, peace and harmony (Venus in Taurus 12th/Neptune) is evident in his chart. Everything revolves around the Sun in the natal chart, and with his Sun in Gemini it describes Kissinger's’ sense of purpose lies in exchanging ideas, communicating and serving something greater than himself.
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