The Moon is how we respond to life, and it's often ingrained in our natures. Under the unconscious (Moon) you do things automatically, everything you have learned is stored away from walking, talking, driving. It's about knowing how to do something without having to think about it. Without the Moon we would have to keep re-learning things all the time. It's like when you first learn something new, at first it's frustrating because you have to keep repeating it until it finally clicks and stays there. Afterwards you do it with ease and instinctively. Some people are born with natural gifts and skills, and they will pick up certain subjects with ease. Looking at the Moon from this perspective, it is easier to understand why we fall into the lunar habits that we do. It's something to think about, when you can't seem to break a habit. It is a well know fact that if you repeat something long enough it becomes habitual.
Moon in Aquarius
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