Magnus Carlsen: The Number One Chess Player in the World

I thought I would do a rundown of some of the top stories of 2010. First up, is Swen Magnus Carlsen, he is a grand master chess player and chess prodigy. The teenager shot to the number one position as one of the greatest chess players, and all at the grand old age of 19. According to his Russian coach, he is the brightest talent in a generation and is dubbed the Mozart of chess. Magnus Carlsen has become the youngest person ever to top the world ranking in chess. Horoscopically, I look for Planets in Gemini and Aquarius for games of chess, it’s fitting for intellectual genius and if we also think along the lines of mental competiveness (Mars), you may not be surprised to find that young Carlsen here, has his Mars and part of fortune conjunct in Gemini, forming a trine to his north node in Aquarius at 00 degrees. Mars in Gemini has a versatile energy which is clever and physically agile; this placement works best when the mind is actively engaged in healthy competition. There is often dexterity in activities, and a liking for debate and mental challenges.

What is also interesting in this chart is that Mercury is in Sagittarius (detriment) and it certainly doesn’t seem to hinder his mental focus. Mercury in Sagittarius understands life based on larger, intuitive concepts, and these people are often enthusiastic on an intellectual level. The young man has reached the heights of Mount Olympus in the chess world, and according to Greek Mythology; Zeus (Jupiter) was the king of the gods who ruled over all the other gods. In Magnus’ horoscope he has Sun in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Leo. This contact bestows faith, confidence, enthusiasm, but it can give rise to over-confidence. The prodigy was born when Uranus and Neptune were conjunct in Capricorn, and he shares this generational contact with other young and brilliant stars such as Justin Bieber, Dakota Fanning and Brooke Greenberg. Brooke is the little girl who baffled scientists worldwide and was referred to as “The Child Frozen in Time", in a U.S documentary. This 172 year cycle fuses mysticism, art, literature, and idealism, with science, enlightenment, progress and innovation. Astrologer Sue Tompkins says that stories surrounding “frozen water”, such as icebergs, glaciers, snowstorms and ice cream, may also feature at this time. I think this would also represent a child frozen in time, too. So, excellent analysis by Ms Tompkins.

The transits that occurred when Magnus first become world champion, shows transiting Saturn in Libra in exact trine to Mars in Gemini. It formed a grand trine in his natal chart, and it involved Saturn-Mars-NN and his part of fortune. The transiting Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius sextiled his Mercury in Sagittarius.

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