Royal Wedding - Jupiter-Saturn: England's Natal Chart

Kate Middleton looking posh outside buckingham palace
The wedding of Prince William has been set for 29th April 2011. The mundane Jupiter- Saturn opposition will be in force, and as I said in my previous post, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Libra in 1981, marked the much anticipated marriage (Libra) between Prince Charles and Lady Diana. Although the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction often carries greater weight in mundane astrology, the opposition aspect still foretells events connected with social order, religious, legal, formal and economic cycles. The wedding will cost a financial fortune, but apparently this is balanced with the increased level of tourism at the time of the Royal engagement.

I looked at the transits in Kate’s chart for next year. Transiting Jupiter trines natal Uranus, and this usually describes an increased time of excitement, luck and opportunity. Transiting Jupiter is also square natal Sun, signifying a time of self-expansion and so things may well get a little over-extravagant under such planetary conditions. However, Kate has Sun in Capricorn and possesses a sensible and self-conscious nature; she is concerned about social status and about keeping things in order. It must be said that such a large celebration would fall under Sun-Jupiter contacts. Traditionally Jupiter brings providence, joy and strong religious ceremonies. However, astrologers do warn about excessive drinking, eating and partying under such contacts. Since it’s for a royal wedding, I think we can make one exception.

I can also see that through May and July next year, transiting Saturn returns and conjuncts Kate’s Mars. It’s now a time of hard work and persistence. The Jupiterian feeling of expansion and growth will begin to wane, as the reality of her new role is sinking in. Frequently the aspect signifies set-backs at work. At worst, it can sometimes indicate accidents and violence, or anything that blocks or frustrates us. It will be an interesting year for Kate, filled with excitement and optimism and back to the grindstone once Saturn comes around.

The chart for England is based on the crowning of William the Conqueror in 1066. Pluto is currently transiting through Capricorn and moving towards a conjunction with the British Sun in Capricorn. The core purpose and destiny of England is going to go through a period of evolution, change and growth. Pluto transits usually indicate old forms of governments and family tradition (Capricorn) dying, before new structural change can happen. The time of the royal wedding in England, shows the Jupiter- Saturn opposition falling almost exactly on our Ascendant (Aries) -Descendant (Libra) axis, which describes the general conditions of the country, foreign affairs, relationships with other countries, and significant public marriages. Although we could argue that Prince Charles’ and Lady Diana’s wedding that occurred under the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction was not contacting the Asc-Dsc axis of our national chart. However, the conjunction trined England’s Ascendant ruler (Mars). Natal Mars is in Aquarius in the 11th house of the horoscope.


Jupiter-Saturn in Libra - A Royal Wedding - 1981 Royal Wedding Part 2 |

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