Pluto was in Libra between 1971 and 1984 and reflected deep changes in our ideas about marriage, love and human relationships. Sexual equality and the ease of divorce were two of the profound changes which occurred during this generational transition of partnerships. Pluto is known as the timekeeper of the collective, and Pluto's transit in Libra signified the death of relating according to a complacent set of values. Pluto destroys, breaks down old forms and reveals a more honest way to relate (Libra). Libra rules relationships, not only marriage but world relationships, diplomacy between countries, alliances, peace, bridge-building and political parties. Pluto through Libra altered relationships significantly and was prominent at the rise of the feminist movement. Pluto was in Libra in 1979, when Margaret Thatcher became the first lady Prime Minister in England. Transiting Pluto was conjunct the British Descendant in Libra. Evolutionary astrologers would describe Pluto’s conjunction on the cusp of Libra, to signify forced lessons of equality. The Sex Discrimination and Equal Pay Acts also come into force in the U.K in 1975.
An individual born with Pluto in Libra belongs to a generation of people whose sense of survival depends on creating new ideals of human relationship and transforming the structure of laws and legal systems that breed inequality. Pluto in Libra rules the collective shadow of relations in all its forms. It rules what we want to eliminate and what we haven’t sufficiently dealt with. It describes what we haven’t faced honestly and hidden under the proverbial rug. Homosexual relationships at this time were becoming more recognised, Gay Rights and people who live together as a married couple were also given more importance. Relationships fraught with power-struggles were no longer tolerated now that divorce was an option.
The film Clockwork Orange was released with Pluto’s early entrance into Libra. Uranus (anarchist/social change) was also transiting through Libra. The film concerns a delinquent whose pleasures are listening to classical music, rape and gang violence. The movie explored the Librian dilemma about goodness, civil behaviour and abusing liberties. In Northern Ireland, 28 civil rights members were shot by soldiers of the British Parachute Regiment. Fourteen of the protesters died, six of them were teenagers. The incident became known as ‘Bloody Sunday’.
On a side note, the World Trade Centre (Twin Towers) was officially opened in New York City on April 4, 1973. Transiting Saturn was at 15 Gemini (sign of the Twins). The Twin Towers - Saturn Return and the opposition between Saturn and Pluto, brought extreme terrorists that hijacked four passenger planes and crashed two of them into the twin towers. Both towers collapsed within two hours. In 1973, President Nixon made it clear his intention was to bring an end to the Vietnam War and after much protest an agreement (Libra) was reached and signed by all parties.
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