
pisces, stunning woman in green with fish tail
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and embodies a little bit of all the other signs. Perhaps that is why Pisces can so readily identify with others. One of their greatest gifts is the ability to see the unity of all things. This is not a mind orientated sign, but one of feeling and instinct. Pisceans have an innate understanding of mysticism and they are often drawn to living a deeply spiritual life. Piscean’s know that life is ever changing and that, by letting go and surrendering to the flow, they will find a way to the spiritual source of their being. Pisces is learning how to offer themselves as a gift to the larger life, so that they can perform the work of salvaging what has been lost. Pisces symbolizes the spirit of the collective unconscious, wisdom and universal love. Which transcends the personal needs of the ego. Pisces has the ability to feel genuine empathy and pity for human suffering, and the disadvantaged, this can be one of the most sensitive and mystically inspired sign. Pisces has no boundaries and absorbs both the positive and the negative vibrations like a sponge.

Due to their overpowering emotional responses to both internal and external stimuli, Pisces often has trouble coping with reality. As a mutable water sign Pisces is less able to establish fixed rigid ways of viewing the world. It doesn’t easily define reality in concrete terms. Mutable water is very open and responsive to the hidden emotions of others, especially their unspoken sorrows. Pisces feels weighed down and deeply saddened by the inhumanity that occurs throughout the world. A soul weary depression can result, as Pisces naturally empathizes with victims everywhere. The individual often has a vivid imagination, and they live in the world of dreams. Naturally, their chameleon like nature enables them to blend to a variety of different situations with ease. Piscean’s are not afraid of plunging into the world of feelings, they have a strong urge to explore the emotional realms in full. Pisces being the last sign has the most unguarded ego of all, and they are highly vulnerable to the outer world.

One fish swims upwards ready to heal and unify all beings wounded by life’s harsher, unjust realities. Pisces often works for the underprivileged, the sick and those unable to function in society. The other fish swims into the darker depths, and are in danger of being dragged down in spirit into a fragmented, confused world of chaos. The greatest lesson that Pisces needs to learn is that, in order to live in the material world, they to balance their spiritual aspirations with more worldly responsibilities. Discrimination is not their strongest attribute, and those born under this sign need to learn to be discerning when choosing friends and lovers. Often their compassionate nature is taken advantage of, and Pisces can easily be manipulated by a sob story. The Piscean can easily lose a sense of identity, because they are like a psychic sponge and they absorb everything, obscuring a sense of self. Whilst this is the sign with the least self preoccupation,  they are fascinated by their, dreams, imaginations and unconscious..

Thus Pisces has difficulty escaping from their own inner world. Pisces needs to be careful of slipping away into nothingness, and becoming invisible. When the Piscean is disconnected from the true source of it’s nature, they can become aimless, depressed, and addictive, and they may seek transcendence through drugs, alcohol, or other addictive behavior that takes them away from the harsh realities of life. Sometimes they tend to do things in excess and need to learn how to discriminate and set boundaries. Pisces aspires towards self sacrifice, it can often be found searching around desperately for a cause, to which they can feel devote to. Pisces is the final sign on the zodiac wheel and represents the completion of a cycle.

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