Natally, Lindy Chamberlain has Sun in Pisces at the apex of a yod configuration with Neptune and Pluto. According to Carol Rushman most yod people have their fair share of health problems, but they also have the ability to regenerate themselves. And that something life altering always happens when the yod is activated. Most astrologers say that to balance the energies of a yod an individual must make key adjustments. The yod is often called the “Finger of Fate” configuration. I get the feeling with this particular “Finger of Fate” aspect involving her Sun in Pisces, Neptune and Pluto, that the scape-goat figure was enacted. Someone who feels wrongly persecuted, threatened and abused (Pluto) and also the victimisation, fame and confusion (Neptune). The night Azaria went missing, transiting Jupiter was opposite Lindy’s natal Sun, signifying poor judgement at this time and a tendency to be careless. Transiting Uranus also squared natal Mars in Leo and describes a higher likelihood of accidents, arguments and impulsiveness, astrologers always warn us to be careful under such transits. The event was both sudden and shocking and happened without warning (Mars-Uranus).
Transiting Neptune also squared Lindy’s natal Sun, setting off her Yod configuration. Lindy had been going through quite a fog for some time and it usually describes a loss of perspective, over-sensitivity and feeling lost and confused. Azaria’s mother has a natal Mars-Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo (Children) and this can be a tough configuration that may signify accidents and a violent death. Psychologically, it shows pent up rage, frustration, stubbornness, wilfulness. There is also extreme determination, pride and ambition. Compared to her Sun in Pisces inconjunct Neptune, the former is not a weak aspect configuration. It was said that she showed little emotion in court. It was extremely difficult for the public to feel sympathy towards Lindy Chamberlain. In the case of the murdered boy, Adam Walsh. His father had a wide conjunction of Mars and Pluto in Leo. I have seen Mars-Saturn conjunct in Leo in a woman’s chart with a disabled son. Baby Azaria was born with a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Virgo hidden in the 12th house. She also has an 8th house Moon opposite Uranus showing early instability. The Sun (life force) is square to both Mars and Saturn. The Sun square Saturn aspect is exact and there is a tight Sun-Neptune opposition.
One of the birth configurations which I associate with the alchemical calcinatio is the conjunction of Mars, Saturn and Pluto which occurred in 1948. A great many people have this natal configuration. There is something about the feeling of it-particularly because it falls in a fiery sign - which seems to pint towards the archetypal issue of transforming primitive patterns into individual creative expression, and which suggests that at some point in life the individual with this configuration may be required to undergo a very difficult and very formative experience of intense frustration and denial of someone or something passionately desired. By Liz Greene, Dynamics of the Unconscious
When the blood stained clothing was found that led to Lindy's release from prison, transiting Uranus was 7 degrees away from an exact conjunction to natal Jupiter in Sagittarius. Transiting Jupiter was conjunct her Sun (luck, protection and good fortune) and set off the natal yod and she was granted immediate release. A couple of years later, transiting Uranus was conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius (exact) when all convictions were overturned in court, signifying a lucky (Jupiter) breakthrough (Uranus) in the case. It can be evident in lucky breaks, Jennifer Anniston was about to give up her acting career, and then was suddenly offered a role in friends under the same conjunction. It indicates greater freedom, progress and unexpected opportunities. Transiting Pluto trined her natal Sun, suggesting personal power and regenerative energies, successful periods are more assured under these transits. Even 30 years on after the death of Baby Azaria people are still divided over the case. Some believe the mother killed the baby with a pair of scissors and buried her in the sand. Others believe that a Dingo did kill the little girl after a spate of attacks followed her death.
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