Michael Douglas: Diagnosed with Cancer

I finally got around to looking at Michael Douglas' transits this morning. In mid August he was diagnosed with throat cancer and will undergo chemotherapy and radiation. When he appeared on the Letterman show he revealed the Cancer was at an advanced stage. Michael has particularly tough transits this year, transiting Pluto is conjunct his natal Moon - click here to read more about Pluto-Moon transits. Michael has a cardinal chart and the transits that astrologers have been writing about all year are heavily firing his horoscope. Natally he has a Moon-Saturn opposition and transiting Pluto is conjunct his natal Moon in Capricorn and the transit will complete its opposition to Pluto. Saturn-Pluto is an aspect that is prominent around death, endings and feeling that circumstances are out of our control. In some charts it can mean we are forced out of our job or we change careers completely.

Transiting Pluto also squares his Sun-Neptune conjunction in Libra and sets off his illness (Neptune). Pluto transits are an indication of permanent change; they bring upheaval, crisis and profound change. For some, Pluto transits can be a time when they have a baby, or start a particularly profound relationship (click to read about Angelina Jolie and her turbulent relationship with Billy Bob). Pluto transits are not all about death, but sometimes they do bring these issues upon us. Transiting Saturn squares his Moon and describes his emotional life at the moment. Fear and depression are critical issues around these transits. Transiting Saturn also conjuncts Neptune, and he is currently passing through a transit of Saturn square natal Saturn. This transit forces him to reassess his life. Transiting Saturn is conjunct his natal Mars and can represent angry frustration at his situation. And transiting Uranus is opposite his Sun and square his Moon.

The chart for the next year is hitting off a lot of heavy transits, its probably the most intense transit chart that I have seen for a while. I couldn't go into them all in great detail, but if your interested, you can check out his transits in full below:

Both Catherine and Douglas share the same birthday, obviously not in the same year, her husband is significantly older. However, Catherine's chart is heavy in the cardinal element, due her stellium in Libra. Transiting Saturn is in the middle of her cardinal stellium involving the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. Transiting Pluto is conjunct Mars in her first house, and this is a particularly challenging time as Pluto erupts violently in her personal life, bringing profound change, and transiting Pluto squares her natal Sun. Both the Sun and Mars are seen as the male figures in the birth chart. Life changing events, crisis and turmoil have entered her life involving her husband (Sun-Pluto). The transiting aspects are exact right now. Natally, Catherine has a Sun-Chiron opposition and this can represent unfair limitations (Chiron) in her relationships with men (Sun). Transiting Pluto is forming a t-square with Mars,Sun, and Chiron, setting of this extremely painful time in her life.

Since both Catherine and Michael share the same zodiacal degree of their Sun in Libra, they have Sun at 2 degrees in Libra in their composite chart. Transiting Pluto is square the composite Sun. So both their natal Sun's are squared by Pluto and the composite Sun. Transiting Saturn has been aspecting both their natal Sun's and composite. Transiting Uranus is square composite Chiron and opposite Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. This is a tough time for the relationship and hopefully they both transition through it together.

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