Uranus transits 5th House

uranus transits 5th house

When Uranus transits the 5th house it signifies that children, love affairs and the creative side of life are in for some surprises. The heart is awakened and this is often a time of unusual dating and romantic patterns. Uranus rules reinvention, trying something new and unleashing our potential. I left school when Uranus transited my 5th house and conjoined Venus. It was a time for me to think about who I wanted to be. I visualized my self in many different roles and was excited but also scared about my uncertain future. However, the transit helps us move forward and realize our self-potential. This may be a time that you need to think about what you would "like to do". The 5th house tells us something about our hobbies and what we like to do for fun. "Pastimes" are really a way of expressing our childlike self, it's the part of us that enjoys creating for fun. When Uranus transits the 5th house it is an excellent time to experiment with different types of hobbies and recreational activities. Discovering undeveloped and unrealized potential on the creative side of life is what this transit has in mind.

When Uranus transits the houses it represent a time for progress, improvement and to break free of limitations. The 12 house are the may different sectors of life representing the self, relationships, friends and group activities. The fifth house has various astrological meanings, from children, romantic love, and gambling. Uranus is not about what is "expected" and the sky god is willful, rebellious and foresees human potential. As Uranus transits through the 5th house of self-expression you will project a new and exciting magnetism that is quite electric. However, this energy can also attract some unusual people in your life and you might begin exciting romances that bring out the romantic rebel. Often transits to the 5th house and Sun-Uranus transits can produce new births, a high voltage of potential is released and some women may find themselves suddenly pregnant. This happened to me during a transit of Uranus conjunct my natal Sun (solar 5th house ruler). In had tried previously in a past relationship to conceive and nothing happened. However a few years later when Uranus was conjunct my seventh house Sun, I met a new partner and out of the blue, fell pregnant. It was a lovely surprise and welcomed gift, after the heartbreak of many failed attempts. Be warned, if you don't want a child do be careful with birth control, that goes without saying even when Uranus is not in the 5th house.

If you are a teenager it could be the time you explore dating and what you enjoy in life. Freedom feels fun in this area, but you need to be careful that you are not being overly rebellious, just for the sake of it. You can find safe ways to channel this energy. If you have children watch their behavior during this time, as they may start demanding more freedom and acting rebellious. If you are a parent and been too hard with the rules, allow the child room for self-expression and let them explore what they would like to do. You can try and add some excitement into the lives of your children and this will fulfill Uranus' need to over-excite the energy in here. Sometimes older children there need space to explore their self-identity and you may be separated from them for a while. Britney Spears achieved sudden fame (5th) when transiting Uranus in the 5th house conjoined her Moon in Aquarius. Britney created a bit of a stir with her school uniform debut, but her whole life changed from that point. Express yourself.... and cause a stir, or at a least have same fun.

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