Essays on the Foundation of Astrology

essays foundation of astrology

Foreword to book "This work was written during the war years. It is hoped that it may contain some ideas that are worth preserving and possess novelty, although much that it contains will necessarily be reminiscent of what has appeared in my earlier works."

Review: C.E.O Carter is probably the closest to a traditional author that I will read. I liked some of Kevin Burk's work as well, but he has a habit of using the same analogies and overly rehearsed astrology talks. However, his website is enjoyable and I always and I have always liked his answers to public questions. C.EO Carter is open to talking about the outer planets and doesn't take a deterministic view on astrology. Here are his thoughts on the discovery of the outer planets.

"When other planets were discovered astrologers were placed in an awkward position. Some took the stand that there was no reason to believe that the ancient rulerships would remain valid for all time. They might be subject to an evolutionary process. Finally there might be twelve known planets, one for each sign. But the notion that the discovery of the "new" planets had disproved astrology is ridiculous, and, when made by those who have not studied the subject- it is made by none others - it is equally presumptuous. The readiness to receive new factors is rather to the credit of astrologers than to their discredit and it would well be for mankind if all organised bodies of thought had shown a like alacrity to accept new discoveries. It is the misfortune of astrology - if truth in any form can be unfortunate - that even when it has been examined by brilliant intellects it has usually been studied only superficially; and minds normally free from prejudice have apparently forgotten this virtue when they engage upon the subject."

A round of applause. I love Carter, he was "The Astrological President" and so open minded, he is like the Obama of astrology, but I might be going too far now. His open mentality is probably due to his Mercury (thinking) trine Uranus (freely). I like the use of his analogies in this book, and he takes a balanced view of the planets and discusses the difficulties a challenged Sun may represent, but he also judges the reactional stimulus to this challenge. In the discussion of the planets he explains their natures and the challenges some planets pose in aspect. Carter believes there are no pure values in each planet and even if Venus is in Libra in the 7th house uaspected, there is still the rest of he horoscope to consider. In his view there are three degrees of intensity in which a planetary value may appear in the horoscope. It may be excessive, deficient or normal. The view of good aspects in the natal chart is the ability to be con-formative and swim with the tide. The "bad" aspects  make the native out of tune with his surroundings and he calls it in-compliant. I also liked his view on how to phrase aspects to astrological clients:

"True , those who consult astrologers when in trouble should be prepared to hear the truth, but there are ways and ways of presenting this sometimes disagreeable commodity to persons who are probably already worried and depressed. To tell a consultant that he is faced with a "bad aspect" is likely to impress him with the notion that he is confronted with something that has neither the rime nor reason, but is simply unpleasant, vexatious and perhaps dangerous. To tell him that an approaching aspect is difficult should have quite a different effect. It implies that there will be a job to do or a problem to solve, not just brute disaster ahead. It is a challenge, not a crude threat."

The chapter on the houses is a subject I discussed on here, regarding how much of the actual character is reflected by the houses. C.E.O Carter confidently explores these issues and it is something for all astrologers to ponder. Are the houses simply a "backdrop" of the natal chart? Planets in Leo can relate to physical children as much as planets in the 5th house. Carter moves on to the different house systems and uses various criticisms and preferences. Overall this is an enjoyable read and often thought provoking book. The author is not the type to just "go along" with accepted opinions, and judges the matter solely for himself through his own research and study. The book will help to give you a deeper understanding regarding the nature of the planets and signs.

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