Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: Part 1
On April 18, 2005, the twice-divorced Cruise called Holmes for a private meeting at his office. It was reported that they had an instant connection during the four-hour meeting. Dates on his motorcycle and private jet followed. On April 27, 2005, Cruise and Holmes, dubbed "TomKat" by the media, made their first public appearance together in Rome for the David Donatello Awards. Tom and Katie's whirlwind romance suddenly turned into an engagement.Tom Cruise famously jumped on Oprah Winfrey's couch and declared his undying love for the Dawson's Creek star. He went backstage and pulled out a shocked Katie. On October 6, 2005, Cruise and Holmes announced they were expecting a child, showing to the world her very visible pregnancy. On April 18, 2006, the couple had a daughter, Suri. On November 18, 2006, exactly seven months after Suri's birth, the couple married in Bracciano, Italy.
Tom and Katie have had some unusual press coverage, some of it due to Katie being much younger than Tom, and by how she quickly adopted his beliefs and way of life. A lot of people accused Tom of controlling his new bride. It was also rumoured that Katie had to have a silent birth because of their shared belief in Scientology. In their synastry chart Venus the planet of love, relationship and affection conjuncts Uranus (unusual, magnetic, instant). A Venus-Uranus contact is an exciting pairing, but a normal stable routine in the relationship is often hard to maintain. Venus-Uranus contacts break away from what society considers a 'normal' relationship. Tom and Katie's Venus square Uranus synastry contact is exact and Venus also conjuncts Uranus in Libra in the composite chart. The same pattern repeats in both natal charts. It signifies a relationship that is magnetic, unusual and free from convention. It can also speak of unpredictability and restless conditions between them both. The rest of the synastry chart will clue us in on how unpredictable the relationship really is underneath.
Tom's own natal Venus-Uranus contact is conjunct Kate's Leo Ascendant. The relationship was an instant attraction. Leo is a fixed sign and there is a powerful magnetic quality here too. Tom's Uranus in Leo also forms a square to Katie's Venus in Scorpio and this jolts (Uranus) Katie into awareness of her own deep sexuality and sensual beauty (Venus). However, it can at times get a little too uncomfortable because she values privacy, intimacy and deep love and she seeks a partnership that provides emotional depth (Venus in Scorpio). Tom has Venus in Leo and thrives on romance and drama. Tom needs to feel proud of his lover and enjoys "showing her off". Venus in Leo is often loyal and generous to a fault. Both Venus in Leo and Venus in Scorpio are fixed signs and both are loyal and fixated in their affections. The ascendant represents who we are becoming and Tom's expression of his creativity and unique vision (Uranus in Leo) helps Katie become more aware of her personal destiny (Asc in Leo)."I really just knew. It was an explosion. And she is just magic. And I really think that all men should celebrate their women. … They should all jump on couches for them. … When you find that woman, you should absolutely be unabashed about it. That's how I feel about it.""Tom makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world and has since the day I met him. I love being with him. I love calling him my husband."
Tom and Katie have a mutual Sun trine Uranus synastry aspect and so they have a liberating effect on one another. Katie has her Sun in Sagittarius and Tom's natal Uranus trines her sense of individuality and purpose. Katie wants to pursue truth and knowledge and she needs travel, it may show physical and mental journeys which help expand her horizons. Katie needs to be free and is happiest exploring all forms of knowledge which aid her growth. Tom's unique creativity and vision work well with her individual purpose. Tom's Cancer Sun needs emotional interaction and he needs to feel connected to the past and his history. His sensitivity and tenderness helps her explore the deeper side of human nature (Uranus in Scorpio). These two can be very good friends and find exciting ways to achieve their individual goals in life."From the moment I met him it just felt like I'd known him forever. I was blown away. He's the most incredible man. He's so generous and kind, and he helps so many people, and, um, he makes me laugh like I've never laughed, and he's a great friend.… Tom and I will always be in our honeymoon phase.… Tom is the most incredible man in the world."
Katie's Moon in Leo conjuncts his Venus in Leo and this is one of the most easy and comfortable aspects to be found in a synastry chart.They share an instinctive harmony and blending of emotions and artistic values. Katie's Moon forms a square to Venus and these two sides of her feminine self are in conflict. It can often represent different values and security needs and she may have a too accommodating nature. There is both drama and intensity. On a lunar level she needs warmth, joy and to feel special, but there is also a jealous and passionate nature (Venus in Scorpio).
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