Fire Grand Trine: Raw Optimism

Next we have a Scientist called Dr Richard L. Garwin he has a Grand Fire Trine with Sun in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Leo. Rather than me bore you with the details and become too repetitive in these series of posts. I will quote some articles and higlight the words associated wih his firey personality. Bear in mind this is also a man with an abundance of planets in the fire sign of Aries which is an explosive energy (6 to be exact). The zodiacal sign of Aries is the self-starter of the zodiac, new discorveries are founded in Aries. Read on about the man truly annointed with the power of fire...

"Raw optimism is a trait not usually associated with longtime makers of atom bombs, advisers of presidents and heralds of doom.

But something like that emanated recently from Dr. Richard L. Garwin, one of the federal government's most widely respected science advisers.

In his office at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan, his shirt pocket bulging with pens and papers, Garwin gave no hint that he had just suffered one of the worst defeats of his career and was deep into mounting a counterattack.

Instead, sipping coffee at a table strewn with papers and file folders, often smiling and seemingly relaxed, he radiated a kind of easy confidence.

"You do these things," he said with a shrug. "And if you keep at it for a long time, sometimes you win."

Garwin, 71, has been at such things for a long time indeed, nearly a half century. The onetime boy wonder and now celebrated physicist has acquired an astonishing number of victories, awards, patents, discoveries, plaudits and honorary degrees, not to mention a few painful bruises.

Still, Deutch added, Garwin is an exemplar of what a public-spirited scientist should be. "He's informed and presents his views forcefully. We need more people like Dick Garwin, not fewer.

Richard Lawrence Garwin was born in Cleveland on April 19, 1928. His father was a high school teacher during the day and a projectionist in a movie theater at night. The boy, a tinkerer, helped his dad repair projectors and build audio amplifiers for the movies, newly with sound. In college, he worked nights as a projectionist himself.

By 1949, Garwin had acquired a PhD in physics from the University of Chicago, a mecca for such pursuits. He was 21. His mentor was the great physicist Enrico Fermi, who had fled from Italy after wining the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1938 and had then worked in New Mexico, helping to build the world's first atom bomb.

"Fermi said Garwin was the only true genius he had ever met," recalled Dr. Marvin L. Goldberger, one of Fermi's students, who went on to head the California Institute of Technology and, in Princeton, the Institute for Advanced Study.

For the summer of 1950, Garwin was invited by Fermi to Los Alamos in New Mexico to ponder nuclear arms design. Garwin, a faculty member at Chicago, quickly proved himself. In 1951 and 1952, he helped give birth to the world's first hydrogen bomb, a weapon roughly a thousand times more powerful than its atomic predecessors. (Aries energy is responsible for new discoveries).

"The shot was fired almost precisely according to Garwin's design," Dr. Edward Teller, a widely acknowledged hydrogen bomb pioneer, later said.

Garwin was hooked on the atom. The bond was loose, however, as befitted his increasingly nomadic style. To some extent, he gave up a promising career at the frontiers of physics for wider pursuits.

In an interview, Schlesinger called Garwin "a good fellow and a useful citizen, even though I don't always agree with him."

He continued, "Much of what he's said over the years is interesting, some is persuasive, and some is overly enthusiastic."

Read Article here.

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