The Astrology
The parental axis (4th and 10th) shows significant oppositions and is one significator for parents who are OPPOSED to one another and confrontational. The child often feels torn between them both. Uranus is in Aquarius 4th house opposed Mars and Saturn in the tenth house. This is an extremely tense configuration. The 10th house in the natal chart symbolises the mother and and this shows a complicated relationship. Joan's father is shown by Uranus in the 4th house, and his leaving home uprooted the whole family. Uranus represents things are different at home and the father (4th) needed to have plenty of personal freedom (Uranus). In some natal charts this placement can also indicate a step-father.
Joan's Mars in Leo in the 10th symbolizes strength and ambition, particularly in a creative fashion, and there is need for the limelight and public recognition (Leo). Joan would have felt she had to compete with her mother and this extended into her career, and she was seen as a difficult actress to get along with. Saturn conjunct Neptune in the 10th house shows frustration (Saturn) and disappointment (Neptune) in her mother. Joan's mother was a proud woman and her dignity was shot when her hubby ran off with the maid. The sign of Leo is all about self-discovery and Joan's mother may have felt her own creative ambitions went unfulfilled. The mother could be viewed as a victim of circumstance, she had to sacrifice her own vision, and artistic dreams for the sake of the family. She may have felt resentful towards her ex husband because, he had the freedom to walk out. Mother's critical nature (Saturn), and repressed creativity (Leo), along with unlived dreams may have created unconscious resentment and bitterness towards her daughter.
Joan's relationship with her sister was not easy, because she was the favourite. The Moon is placed in the 3rd house in Capricorn opposite Pluto, and both sisters held malice towards eachother and never spoke for years. A child with a Moon-Pluto opposition can feel invaded and it also involves another dimension of the mother. There is a sense of betrayal and damaged emotions in this Moon, and also resentment towards her sibling who received the attention. Olivia used to rip up Joan's clothes, and this sibling rivalry was seen publicly when collecting an award. Olivia tried to congratulate Joan but she was rejected. The sibling rivalry was a lifelong feud. When the mother died it was reported Olivia never invited Joan to the memorial service. Joan claims the reports have been twisted and she said the press hoaxed the whole story, but looking at her Moon-Pluto in the 3rd house of siblings, there is no smoke without fire.
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