Astrology Resources on the Family

I have some books concerning this topic at home, not a lot of astrology covers parental astrology and family problems/complexes.

A series of books by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas are highly recommended. The Luminaries is a lecture that explores both Luna and solar influences, and how these symbols play an important role in describing the parental role in the family, but are also vital symbols in the psyche. Family case histories are explored and there is plenty of helpful information to help you with delineating a natal chart. The Development of the Personality looks at the Stages of Childhood and the perception the child holds of the parents. There is a great chapter on the Parental Marriage in the horoscope and how astrological symbols combine to make up the duel image of our parents. Liz Greene offers an interesting prespective on element dominance in the natal chart, and how this can be evident in the parental marriage. For example, a chart with a dominance of Air and a lack of water, can show an opinionated or rational father (air) and poor neglected emotional mother (water).

Relating is another book covering themes of relationships and has a section called Honor thy Father and Mother - With Reservations. Liz Greene says, "Mother is the earth in matter, feeling, the cycle of birth and death, the all giving and all destroying, the instinctual life of the body and of the earth itself. Father is heaven, spirit, fire, will, meaning, purpose and purposeful development, order, structure and law". I also like her following thoughts... "We cannot attach moral blame to any parent, even if his or her neglect, rejection, harshness, absence, over possessiveness or lack of understanding appears to have engendered psychological conflict. Such factors certainly leave their mark, and much brutality often occurs in the name of love. But whatever is exhibited by the parent, something in the child meets half way, so to speak, accepts it and absorbs it".

Liz believes the child evokes an experience from the parent. I have always found her an insightful writer and she is one of my favourite authors. However, Liz Greene is not for the psychologically shy. The I.C-M.C debate is also touched upon in this book, and she calls this axis the inheritage which we are bound to. The sign on the M.C, shows how the individual would like to be seen by the mother, or how he sees her. His social values ultimately derive from her, as well as those concerning relationships with others. The sign on the midheaven is also a statement and lesson to be learned through the mother, the obstacle which must be made conscious. The child must develop the M.C sign for both of them. The I.C is more submerged, the source of ones roots and the sap of the tree which eventually flowers into the tree of the M.C. For an more in depth look you are best reading the book.

I also have the book by Zip Dobyns on Healing Mother-Daughter relationships. The author teaches the reader to use the astrological alphabet and apply it to the relationship with the mother. For example, Number 10 would relate to a mother who is Capricorn or Saturnian, this because Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Saturn. This type of mother relationship has an influence of the father archetype and of laying the law, responsibility, a blend of conditional and unconditional love. Mother as authority, professional, hardworking and dutiful. Or the child had to take on these responsibilities. The family may have had to live in poverty and the child was expected to work from a young age. This is the type of information that can be gleaned from the book. There is a chapter on parental aspects. Below is a sample reading form the book on Moon-Chiron.

"The questing motif is mixed with maternal urges in these cases. On the positive side, Mother could be bright, a visionary, and motivated to seek a higher meaning in life. She might be more idealistic, spiritual or caught up with spiritual activities. She is likely to have high standards for herself as a mother. She may embody a restless, seeking, searching urge, helping her child see life as an adventure, and that the quest of truth is paramount. The child may idealize mum, seeing her as someone who expresses her best and her brightest in many ways. On the negative side, either individual may expect more than is humanly possible from the other and feel disappointed (wounded) when let down. The child may feel that the mother is caught up with educational, spiritual, humanitarian, or cultural or other pursuits and does not pay enough attention to family matters. When the child and mother seek the best together, the results can be quite positive. They may join forces in regard to spiritual, educational, or idealistic pursuits. A shared faith and confidence in a higher power can provide energy and motivation to make lives and the world a bit better".

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