Keanu Reeves

The absolutely gorgeous Keanu Reeves was first recognised for his role in “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” he played the part of Ted a lovable airhead. However, in later roles it was hard for many people to take him serious because of his accent and earlier movies. Undeterred Keanu continued to work hard, and has proven he is a force to be reckoned with in the film industry. After his role in the blockbuster movie “Speed” he proved he could deliver intensity and drama on the big screen. Keanu is now taken seriously as leading man in any movie he auditions for.

Keanu is most famous for his role in “The Matrix” a futuristic film that broke new thresholds in movie making. Keanu was cast in the role of Neo (One) he played a computer programmer and hacker. There is a prophecy that one human being (Neo) once connected to the computer world can override the system rules and manipulate the code directly. Throughout the trilogy of Matrix movies we see Keanu awakened and thrust into the role of savior, and he comes to terms with his role as a messiah in some sense and his own humanity and love for trinity.

The Natal Chart

Keanu has his Sun in Virgo conjunct Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. Planets in a stellium reveal great focus and intensity upon the sign, house and planets involved. Early life had it’s fair share of instability for Keanu, he has dyslexia and never focused on academics; he had also been expelled from school and dropped out of college (EXACT Mercury-Uranus conjunction). The stellium is in wide opposition to Saturn in Pisces. This archetypes his role in the Matrix, as the computer hacker and leader of the rebellious group (Uranus) against the agents of control (Saturn)…

Family History

Keanu's family background was an unstable one; his father abandoned the family when Reeves was three years old. The Sun relates to father in astrology and is conjunct two outer planets (Uranus and Pluto) sudden abandonment can be one symbolism of this configuration. He also has Saturn in Pisces, and statistically this has been associated to cases of a father disappearing or vanishing completely. Keanu's’s father did spend time in prison for selling heroin (Saturn in Pisces again).

Tragedy Strikes

Keanu’s sister is sadly battling Leukaemia, and further tragedy was in store: In December 1999 Reeves girlfriend gave birth to a stillborn daughter who he named Ava. It was a particularly hard few years for Reeves as transiting Pluto the planet of death, change and transformation was moving through Sagittarius and squared his stellium of Virgo planets (Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto). Pluto transiting the Sun (life force) can indicate a time when your life is being transformed by the birth of a child, or the birth of new creativity, but unfortunately the baby didn’t survive. When an outer planet moves into a mode where you have a stellium (i.e. mutable) your life becomes a lot more eventful, and it can indicate a phase in life where you may experience uncomfortable change or testing challenges.

In 2001 tragedy struck again when his ex girlfriend was killed in a car accident, she was later buried next to their baby daughter. Transiting Saturn squared his natal Saturn in Pisces, and this can describe times of loss and separation, and a difficult period. Transiting Jupiter was in the mutable sign of Gemini and square to his natal Sun, Mercury and Uranus. For Keanu this would have indicated a restless time, and unexpected time - as Jupiter stirred up his Virgo stellium. Jupiter-Uranus can foretell major change and disruption.

Permanent Home

Keanu has mostly lived in hotels, and this pattern changed when he bought a home in 2003, this was a good time to put down roots as Saturn was transiting through Cancer (security, home, family) and sextiled his Sun and Mercury in Virgo. Overall Keanus has had massive success in sci-fi films, and he even received positive reviews for his role in “The Gift”, in his part he played an abusive husband. I watched this movie and was stunned by his emotional intensity and explosive rage. Natally Reeves has Sun conjunct Pluto and this worked well for his powerful yet brief performance.

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