Liz Greene says that an 8th house composite Sun or 12th house Sun could be involved in a relationship that is secret. She doesn't explore it in any depth, but I would think the reasons for a secret relationship could vary. Perhaps, it is due to racial, religious or social class. It most definitely could be an affair with someone who is already in a steady committed relationship. A composite Sun in the 8th house could be a Romeo and Juliet type of relationship, and the couple has to keep their partnership a secret, or the exposure could create hate and conflict between both families. The survival issue is a powerful theme with an 8th house couple, and they might feel there is something "wrong" with them being together or they carry guilt and shame over their secret relationship. The emotional turmoil created by these situations can bring create a deeper closeness in the relationship. Alternatively, they could rip each other to shreds when the pressure becomes too much! Problems in the relationship will at some point be laid out on the table and talked through honestly before the relationship can prosper and grow. Betrayal is another issue that could enter into this relationship and the fear of abandonment, jealousy, and possessiveness is the consequence. Abuse and other taboo issues could come forth, and generally this placement is a hotbed of intensity. An 8th house composite Sun will work subtly and is not always evident on the surface.
Now, with my Sun in Gemini I have all the above to consider and I need to layer the Gemini archetype onto the 8th house composite reading. First of all my relationship needs to communicate (Gemini), both of us will need to share communication together, and the relationship will need plenty of mental exchange. In Sky mates it details the Gemini couple - as one partner on the laptop and watching television and the other partner on the phone reading the accounts at work. This hits the nail on the head, and is extremely close to how we are as a couple. I am an obsessive blogger as you all know, and I enjoy communicating and surfing the net. I can read several books by the computer and watch television, there is plenty of versatility. My partner watches television and works on his studies or he reads the paper, and this is exactly what we do when we meet in the morning (he works nights). Perhaps we don't always have lots of time for real in depth relating, my own mental pursuits keep me occupied. On the negative side Gemini is not comfortable with emotional connections. Mental pursuits can divert us BOTH from sitting down and talking intimately. The relationship's purpose is for both of us to learn how to communicate like adults and be willing to talk about taboo or uncomfortable situations. Or even just talk about the deeper issues that confront us in and out of the bedroom.
Some couples may share an interest in the mysteries of life together, share a business together, these are 8th house significators too. This isn't the case with us, but we could do with communicating on deep emotional levels, shedding light on the intimacies of the relationship itself. One issue we always avoid talking about is our finances, we never confront it openly and honestly. It's like we refuse to see how bad things are at times. We seriously need to talk about debt, and have a long discussion about how we both could handle resources more carefully. Investments. We can illuminate (Sun) our struggles, however, the "Gemini" in the relationship tries to avoid commitment issues, and will look for distractions. Having our Mercury in Gemini in the 8th house only accentuates what we need to talk about. In other relationships with an 8th house composite Sun, it could describe a couple who experience a traumatic experience or death together. A refusal to talk about these issues may be present, and they could use distracting mediums such as the telephone, Internet, television, books, papers, or anything that distracts from "real relating". At some point especially with the Sun in Gemini or any planets in Gemini in the 8th house, the intensity can explode - in an all out verbal confrontation, and it could get quite nasty. Honesty can be a good thing and you can build the relationship of true emotional depths, Knowing ALL tthe feelings, past, thoughts, and actions. Consequently it coul prove too much, and you can't repair the damage, or take back what you said. All that has been hidden, buried, kept secret will surface in an ugly way. A lot of it could be avoided if both partners are honest which eachother from the start. There can be many moments in deep silence because the issues are too painful to confront. Ye The relationship will stop growing and lose all purpose, and with Gemini there is a nasty habit of preoccupying itself with something to the exclusion of something else. With this composite Sun the relationship can evolve when both partners share in the deep emotional bond between them, and confront problems with great emotional and intellectual honesty.
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