Barbara’s childhood was an unhappy one, her father died when she was 15 months old (Sun is in exact square to Pluto in 5th). Barbara later had a step-father, but she had a turbulent relationship with him. Barbara’s mother tried to discourage her daughter from pursuing showbusiness because she thought she was not attractive enough, and this indelibly left Streisand’s self-esteem wounded (Sun-Chiron). The Sun is disposited by Venus in Pisces 12th house, this means she has a strong need to transcend herself into artistic expression through acting, music, art etc. According to Tracy Marks in the book “Your Secret Self: Illuminating the Mysteries of the Twelfth House”:
One other issue which may be problematic for you in your relationships is your confusion about your femininity. Most likely you were influenced in your concepts of women by a mother who did not provide an adequate role model. She may have been very giving, but she was likely to have given in a narcissistic manner, without awareness or loving, so that you were forced to turn inward at an early age to find sources of love within yourself. As a woman you may be confused or insecure in regard to your female identity.
I hope Barbara has found her source of love within.
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