We were away last week for a mere five days and in that time we missed the change from spring to summer. We left with a northerly wind and chilly rain, and arrived to 24 degrees heat at six in the evening. Our peas had fallen over with the weight of pods, the ground was cracked and the blossom on the apple trees was gone.
In the last week the lawn (euphemism for all the weeds we cut weekly) is looking parched, the poppies are out and the grass in the field is over the top of our wall. Daily the maximum temperature is about 28 degrees. Yesterday the shiny new fire helicopter was doing practice runs overhead. Passing by the beach in the bus, the water looked inviting (not the beach; too much litter).
I haven't adapted to the change and feel the need to grab a jacket when I leave the house. And I scan for rain clouds when there isn't a cloud in the sky. Old habits die hard...

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