1.Nicole has Sun in Gemini (air sign) the Sun is disposited by Mercury in Cancer square to Mars/Saturn, and perhaps this is why I see the fiery red hair and passion, but then she appears very controlled (Saturn) in her actions (Mars).
2.Saturn is in detriment in Aries (identity & confidence) in the 6th house. If the data is correct Scorpio rising is ruled by Mars in Libra (Detriment) and opposed Saturn (fall) and this may explain the rigidness I get from her. The Planets in these signs have difficulty with expressing themselves with confidence. Saturn also causes great difficulty when she tries to express her Mars qualities and so she may overcompensate. Or at times appear as if she lacks spontonaeity.
3.The Sun and Moon are also square Uranus adding to her intellectual detachment.
4.Nicole has a fire grand trine involving Saturn, in some acting roles she has been praised because of the controlled energy she brings and her enthusiastic nature, and in other roles she has an almost cold appearance.
I find this interesting because I consider myself a controlled persona with Saturn on the Asc (identity & confidence) opposed my Sun (self expression).
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