Leo is rising in Marilyn’s chart, the first house being the house of identity, shows Marilyn’s attraction to glamour and the theatre. It is extremely important for a Leo Ascendant to stay true to her identity. The image Marilyn projects is that of the Leo, warm, radiant, yet with an emotional vulnerable fragile look (Neptune in 1st). A Leo rising needs to develop a powerful sense of self, and this could have given her the strength to express the more sensitive personality factors, without being overwhelmed by her emotions. The Sun in the 11th house can have more difficulty shining for itself as we have the “audience” in the 11th house and the need for approval from others and society.
The Sun is in Gemini in the 11th house, and this represents her need to express herself through communication and socializing. The Sun in Gemini has a friendly nature with many interests. Gemini is flirtatious with a strong need for variety. Marilyn’s development in life was focused on group involvements, and future developments. The Sun in Gemini/11th could describe her purpose of being in the media. A sense of purpose and destiny can be found in social, humanitarian, or political activities through the 11th house. Another celebrity who has Sun in Gemini/11th is Angelina Jolie who has become a spokesperson for many humanitarian charities, expressing the sign and house placement of the Sun can have the effect of sustaining and fulfilling a person, because we are expressing our own individuality (Sun). Thus, for Marilyn friends and social contacts become very important, she has to have a social circle, but on some level there is still a deep sense of loneliness and feeling of rejection which has come from her early roots (Moon-Saturn). Mercury the planet of communication conjuncts Marilyn’s Sun, from the 10th and her aspirations and goals are achieved through important contacts.
Natally, the Moon in Aquarius needs to feel free to interact with many people, this emphasises her communication needs and other social contacts i.e. Gemini placements (11th). Aquarius when paired with the Moon may emotionally try to rationalize feelings; this would have been difficult due to Neptune aspecting the Moon. Marilyn has very good social skills and knows how to interact with other people instinctively and feel connected through friendships/groups, although she may sacrifice a part of herself in her deep need to belong (Moon-Neptune). With the Moon in Aquarius, she may also use her friends and social contacts as a way of avoiding intimate relating. The Moon Conjuncts Jupiter, in the 7th house so she can be highly sensitive to public opinion and this expands (Jupiter) her need for the public, and socializing, and there can be a need to be what others want her to be. Some 7th house moons feel married to the public!
On a psychological level, a person with the Moon placed in the 7th house of the natal chart may look for the idealized image of mother through the partner, and marriage may be sought early on in life for the security it offers. Marilyn has her Moon square to Saturn in 4th Scorpio, and this restricts her in finding emotional happiness through partners because of her melancholic dissatisfaction stemming from the past. Marilyn can be uneasy with deep personal intimacy and feels inadequate in this area. The first house Neptune can create emotional confusion, and a fragile emotional nature, she is needing and yearning for an ideal home and mother (Moon/Neptune). On a very deep level of Marilyn’s emotional being, she feels a deep loss and sadness and she longs to escape from reality. The star finds emotional fusion in her drinking and other addictions.
The Nodal path (direction of the soul) shows Marilyn has her South Node in Capricorn - 6th and her North Node in Cancer 12th showing a need to take care of her spirit and soul, she needed to learn how to connect to her emotional and feeling nature, to nurture others and allow herself to be nurtured.
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