Britney Spears was born on 02/12/1981, and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana. She is one of the biggest female recording artists of all time and has sold over 32 million albums. At the age of three she started to attend dance classes and was selected to perform a solo at the annual recital. Throughout her childhood she also participated in gymnastics, attended voice lessons and won many state competitions. Britney has confessed that she was an ambitious child and knew what she wanted to do from a young age.
Britney's Taste of Fame and Jupiter-Neptune:
In June 1997 she auditioned for various record labels and was rejected because they wanted a band and did not believe the public wanted another "Madonna," "Debbie Gibson or "Tiffany". However, Jive Records were impressed and said it was rare to find someone to deliver emotional content and commercial appeal. The label appointed her to work with producer Eric Foster White. He shaped her voice from a lower range to a more pop sound.
Britney released debut single “Hit me baby one more time” at the end of 1998; the single went straight to number 1. In January 1999, her self titled album peaked at the top of the charts. Astrologically, transiting Jupiter (growth) was in Pisces in the 6th house and was approaching a square to natal Neptune. The transit indicates expansion of idealism, inspiration and creativity. Everything can seem unreal and blown out of proportion, the energy is grandiose and far removed from reality. Neptune rules music, film and the arts and these are enjoyed at this time.
Jupiter-Neptune can also symbolise a period in life were she felt less grounded and everything can seem unreal. Transiting Neptune also squared Jupiter and this is what astrologers call a double whammy. Astrologers often forewarn individuals under this transit to use their powers of discrimination or suffer from excessive disillusionment after the bubble bursts. However, transiting Saturn trined natal Neptune when she was working on her debut album and is symbolic of grounding ones dreams into reality.Transiting Uranus in Aquarius conjoined her natal Moon in Aquarius in the 5th house of creativity which indicated her sudden arrival in the spotlight (5th). Transiting Pluto was conjunct Sun and rules a time of drastic change in our life personal development, evolution and it can be an obsessive period and ultimately a time of self-growth.
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Seperation in painful (Sun-Saturn) |
According to rumours at the time, Miss Spears had cheated on Timberlake and he found out. Consequently this is what lead to the public break-up. Justin released single, “Cry me a River” in revenge.
Both Britney and Justin share a natal Venus square Pluto aspect; when love and hate collide, powerful feelings are involved which can lead to strong vehement if such love ends in betrayal. The relationship was the perfect childhood romance in the public eyes, but it ended painfully for both of them. The relationship broke up in early 2002, under the transit of Saturn in Gemini opposite natal Sun in Sagittarius. Harsh reality and separation (Saturn) with an important male figure in her life (Sun). Difficulties with a partner and general frustration. It can represent a time of self-responsibility and self-sufficiency and often a sense of separateness accompanies Saturn transits.
Surprise Weddings
Natally, transiting Jupiter was moving through the hidden 12th house representing secret ceremonies taking place. Transiting Neptune conjoined her 5th house Moon, and she would have been under the hazy and confused fog of Neptune in romantic endeavours (5th). Neptune also rules Alcohol consumption and the 5th house seeks enjoyment, her emotional weaknesses are more acute now, and she would be over-sensitive, dreamy, escapist and gullible.
Emotional involvement can suffer from the illusory spell of Moon-Neptune and her boundaries are severely weakened and so she can attract all kinds of hard luck stories. In July 2004, while still under the influence of Neptune, she announced her engagement to Kevin Federline, only three months after meeting him! As I was saying before, opportunities for sudden romances at this time are powerful. An optimistic (Jupiter) and excited (Uranus) attitude and feeling lucky at this time. Kevin and Britney both married in a surprise ceremony.
Parenthood - Time to Mature (Jupiter-Saturn & Moon-Saturn)
The Divorce (Sun-Uranus)
Transiting Pluto formed a generational conjunction to natal Neptune and it squared her natal Mars in the12th house. A contact forming between Mars-Pluto often indicates sexual troubles in a marriage, deep seated anger and desire for control. A highly competitive attitude, repressed anger and violent eruptions. Britney had an uncompromising desire to assert her will, and all hell broke loose. Britney’s aunt died in early 2007 from ovarian cancer. Transiting Neptune squared natal Chiron in 8th house, indicating emotional wounds at this time (Chiron 8th).
Reinvention - Pluto from all Angles
A snake sheds its skin when it has outgrown the old one, and in effect, Britney was doing the same thing. Shedding her old skin and awaiting the rebirth of a new woman. However, her troubles were only just beginning….Throughout 2007 she received heightened publicity over her antics. Authorities order Britney to take random drug testing, and classes in parenting skills.
Britney Spears loses custody of her children, feeling wounded (Moon-Chiron)
Transiting Chiron conjuncts her natal Moon in Aquarius 5th symbolizing the painful (Chiron) emotional separation from her children (Moon in 5th). Saturn was approaching a square to her natal Sun. Saturn as we have seen before can indicate a separation, and it also reflects a time where she needs to be more responsible. Learning how to be self-sufficient, and strengthening her ego. Sun-Saturn represents authority figures, and her father now had control of her life. Britney needed to re- build her life back up again. It is still a painful transit, but it can hold enormous rewards if she takes stock and can put her life on solid ground.
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