Additions to the Blogroll

Here are some recent additions to the blogroll in the sidebar. The "highlight post" is one that I found interesting; YMMV as they say on the internets.

As always, if you think your blog is listed in the wrong category or you would rather not be listed in the blogroll, please drop me an email and I'll change it. I'd also appreciate any suggestions for blogs to be added, particularly in the physical sciences and engineering, since my own science blog reading leans more heavily towards biology.

Physical Sciences

Twinkle twinkle YSO: Hannah is a PhD astronomer who blogs about astronomy and women in science.
Highlight post: Impressing Impressionable Girl Scouts

AstroPixie: Amanda Bauer is an astronomer in the middle (end?) of writing her dissertation. She writes about "things and stuff, astronomy and life"
Highlight post: 50 Years of Space Science

i postdoc, therefore i am: Schlupp is "Yet another postdoc in the physical sciences, in condensed matter theory. Originally from My Country / Europe, with a PhD from MyCountry Provincial Tech, I did a two-year postdoc in Germany and have just started another one in the US."
Highlight post: On the Existance of Deadwood

Rising to the Occasion: saxifraga is "a Postdoc in earth science at a research institute in Scandinavia and teach at University above the Arctic Circle. I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister and hopefully still a friend to some awesome people I spend way too little time with. The blog is an outlet for my personal thoughts and a way to engage in discussion with others about academic life and work. I appreciate my readers and your opinions."
Highlight post: When there's more than one side to the story

Life Sciences

Mind the Gap: Jennifer Rohn is "a post-doctoral cell biologist at University College London, having returned last year to science after a four-year sabbatical as a journal editor. In my spare time, I am also a freelance science writer, editor and journalist; novelist; biotechnology consultant and the founder and editor of magazine"
Highlight post: In which I marvel at bureaucratic insanity

rENNISance woman: Cath Ennis of VWXY Not? has a second blog on the Nature Network that is more directly focused on science. Her description: "I blog about current genetics, genomics, virology and evolution research. I'll also include posts about grant writing and any other ideas that take my fancy."
Highlight post: Leaving labs and losing labmates

Missives From the Frontal Lobe: KL Dickson is currently studying neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her blog is about "neuroscience, atheism, philosophy, neurotheology, transhumanism, and lots of things."
Highlight post: On transhumanism

Everything and more: Makita is "a full-time graduate student, carpenter, cleaning lady, gardener, electrician, and probably a few other things that are required to keep my household running." Her blog is about her "adventures in life, and an outlet for my thoughts."
Highlight post: Oral exam .... again (congrats on passing!)

Blue Lab Coats: This blog is written by a "female w/kids balancing academic science & home". "I am a veterinarian and biologist, and I have a tenure track junior faculty position. I come to work every day because there are certain biological questions that I find fascinating and I can’t stop thinking about. I hope that what I do in my job (and in my life) makes a difference for others."
Highlight posts: Unsolicited Advice: Job Search Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde
: "I'm a postdoc in the biological sciences. I can't decide if I work too much or not enough. I'm married to Dr. Hyde, a fabulous scientist himself, and we're trying, despite some obstacles, to fulfill our Darwinian mandate by having a child or two. The title and pseudonym? One name at work, another at home."
Highlight post: What's in my name

Candidate Models: Stepwise Girl writes about "-my adventures as a young academic - I guess I'm something along the lines of a tenure-track professor although that's not what I'm called here where I am; -as a subset of that, partly, how being a woman is inflecting the trajectory; -I guess there might be some questions related to the environment"
Highlight post: Déjà vu

Science Sisters: This blog is written by Jena & Mary, who are "both pre-pharmacy students, sisters, best friends." The tone is breezy and I'll admit that I'm not particularly keen on being addressed by "Hey Girls" at the beginning of every post, but that's probably because their target audience is 20 years (or more) my junior. You can't beat their enthusiasm.
Highlight post: Lost In Space

Guadalupe Storm-Petrel: barn owl is a "cancer and developmental neurobiology researcher, medical educator, and frustrated natural historian; long-limbed, long digits, Northern European peasant and barbarian stock, lots of wild hair and prone to intellectual wild hares. Interests wander incessantly. Strong Luddite tendencies. Congenitally incapable of silence and acceptance in the face of social or environmental injustice." Her blog is mostly hard biology, rather than commentary.
Highlight post: Don't You Step on My Blue Sulid Shoes

The Grad Life: A Southern Girl's Affair in Boston: Southern Grad Girl is "a life-long Southern girl who left the South for grad school in the life sciences in Boston. I have a wonderful non-scientist husband who happily (well, sort of happily) followed me across the country. I'm a second-year student, still in the honeymoon stage."
Highlight post: No news is not good news

Still Evolving: Farne is "in my mid-40's in a same-sex relationship, with 2 grown kids, lots of Italian Greyhounds and an interesting job in training with the development side of a pharmaceutical company. And an ex-husband who complicates my life..."
Highlight post: A question for 2008: Where have all the older women gone?

Dirt and Rocks: Brigindo is "a behavioral scientist fascinated by life's daily minutiae. if
it's seemingly inconsequential and repetitive, our girl's on it."
Highlight post: On the Fragility of Students

Mathematics and Computer Science

Keet Blog: Maria Keet is "an Assistant Professor (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato) at the KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy." She often writes about ontology, bioinfomatics, and science in general.
Highlight post: From the marketing department - or: blogging by science journalists vs. scientists who are blogging?


Journeys of an Academic: Academic is "a quirky engineer who actually wants to try making a difference in the world."
Highlight post: Emails that Make our Heart Pound

Candid Engineer in Academia: Candid Engineer is an "engineer-scientist trying to find my way as a postdoctoral researcher at Brilliant University. My new academic home is flush with cash- but the abundance of funding comes with a price: pompous and secretive colleagues. Tune in regularly as I offer my perspective on random academic topics and chronicle my experiences as a researcher at Brilliant U."
Highlight post: Flatter Me Silly

It's not really a new blog, but Alice Pawley, an assistant professor of engineering education at Purdue, has joined ScienceWoman at the newly renamed ScienceWomen blog (formerly "On Being a Scientist and a Woman").

Engineering Education: This new blog has two authors - Alice Pawley and Gina Navoa Svarovsky, who is "finishing up my PhD in Educational Psychology while also being a faculty member at a two-year masters program. My dissertation work focuses on engineering education in the K-12 arena, and in particular, engaging girls in meaningful and empowering engineering activity during their precollege years."


Thesis - With Children
: AcmeGirl is a "PhD student at an Ivy League University. I'm a woman of color in one of those (white)male-dominated fields. I also have two children and am trying to have some kind of healthy relationship with my long suffering husband. Basically, I'm as close as a single point can come to being a complete data set." (Note: I've filed this under "general" since AcmeGirl doesn't specify if her ology is in the physical or biological sciences.)
Highlight post: Maintaining Decorum

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