A person with the Sun in 12th house has receptivity to the sensitive and watery world of collective dreams, longings and yearnings. The creative urge to be an individual is coloured by the larger collective. The twelfth house is one of the most inaccessible houses and has associations with the collective unconscious, the past and the whole of psychic history and content of previous generations. The very things it represents are 'hidden', illusory and not easily grasped. The twelfth house represents the dissolution of all boundaries, attempting to achieve a one-ness with the whole of life itself.
The individual often has a feeling of obligation and debt to the past, in other words, there is unfinished business. A light shines upon what is hidden, discarded, ignored and undeveloped. The Sun placed in a universal house cannot live solely for itself, and there is always a much larger collective need that lies behind individual expression. The person is a highly sensitive vessel and mediator for society.
The twelfth house rules places that are hidden and secluded like institutions, monasteries, asylums and prisons. Frequently there is a sense of isolation and blocked self-expression. The individual is often forced to turn inward and reconnect to the imaginable realm, and sense that something greater is at work. Part of the solar involves some kind of sacrifice and the path of development often involves healing and self-acceptance, and this often involves privacy, seclusion and silence. There may be artistic and creative talents present, and it is necessary to have “time” away to reflect on their inner dreams, images, feelings and fantasies. Dance, music and art may be specific areas, and there is a latent psychic and mediumistic abilities that may need to be developed.
Life may come to a standstill through illness, hopelessness and self-imprisonment. A twelfth house Sun sometimes feel overlooked and this can create self-doubt and poor self-esteem. Planetary energy in this house feels weakened, unrecognised, unacknowledged and unseen. Typically the type, does not feel that they are deserving of praise, attention or acknowledgement. This person may even feel invisible at times, and live out part of their lives in secret. If the rest of the chart is in accord there can be profound humility in these individuals, but the main problem is self-defeating behaviour and attempts at self-sabotage which ruin their chances of success. Comparatively, there may also be some kind of inner guilt when achievement is looming and the individual becomes their own worst enemy.With their deep understanding and compassion, charitable work, social work, and helping the underprivileged often helps. Twelfth house Suns are like a beacon of light for those who feel neglected, unwanted and unloved in society.
Unfocused intuition, escapism, confusion, doubt and uncertainty, pose problems to the developing individuality. The twelfth house dissolves, disintegrates and falls into the unconscious, and the waters are difficult to navigate. These types have enormous psychic sensitivity and some may try to numb this powerful feeling with alcohol and drugs. Addictive substances, attempt to reconnect to the unseen world. A powerful sense of service to others leads them into the healing fields. Therapy, medicine, hypnosis, creative visualisations, occult studies, music or painting are all areas that the individual may be drawn to. This person is a light for those in society who are weak, shut off, rejected, lost and confused. The work they do behind the scenes may not be visible to everyone, but as long as they develop self-esteem and contribute something towards the collective, they feel fulfilled in spheres that allows them to translate their inner world into an artistic, scientific, or humanitarian contribution.
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and on thursday, i'm going to be starting my crafty lady sleeve project. i'll be getting a sewing judy on my right arm right about the lyrics. i'm taking my sketches and ideas down to my artist thursday, so it will be done in the next couple of weeks.
Tattoo News Review
CATWOMAN TATTOO ART By Artist Josh Reynolds

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While angel tattoos are quite popular with females, an increasing amount of men have also used the angel as part of a design that usually signifies loss or pays tribute to another. In women, the angel is often seen innocently sitting on a cloud, playing harps, or serving as a guardian watching over their every move. Depending on the meaning of this type of tattoo, an angel is also used to illustrate retaliation and revenge, as seen in the avenging angel.
Angels are seen as spiritual beings that are thought to possess a level of power that humans do not have access to. Some people believe that angels are the spirits of humans that are highly evolved. The history of the angel starts with the Bible, where the general sense is that these creatures represent the will of God or carries out God's work. While angels are known as guardians of the soul or divine beings, they have also been associated with falling victim to sin - as seen in the case of the fallen angel named Satan.Mr. Payaso
An Astrological Analogy
I like the use of an analagy in astrology, as it helps you to gain an imaginative picture of what the author is talking about. An analogy can be extremely clever or strange and some can make you laugh out loud with the use of such an odd comparison. I collected a bunch of anolagies for this post. Liz Greene has to be the queen of analogies as she occupies these examples frequently. I enjoyed browsing through all her books again looking for these. She is such a great writer. Well, here goes...
Astrology and a Packet of Garden Seeds
The natal chart is basically a map of potential. Like the picture on a packet of garden seeds, it shows what you might become. Sue Tompkins - Contemporary Astrologers handbook.
Fate and Free Will - Map to Birmingham or Kalahari Desert
Perhaps the best way of viewing the fate and free will question is to turn to the subjects of maps. After all, the birth chart is quite literally a map for a particular moment. Talking metaphorically imagine you were born with a map of Kalahari Desert and that I was born with a map of Birmingham. One might say that the Kalahari is your fate and that Birmingham is my fate. Our choices and potential are different. I have roads and canals that I can go up and down, and shops I can frequent but just because I have the various features on my map it doesn't mean that I will use them or, if I do, that I will do consciously. In your map of the Kalahari you have different choices; choices of country, choices of game park, choices of whether to keep cattle or hunt wild game, choices as to whether you listen to the weaver birds or notice the acacias. So we have at least to some degree of free will but our choices are circumscribed by the perimeters of our particular map. Such perimeters might be described as our fate. Sue Tompkins - Contemporary Astrologer's handbook
The Ascendant = Driving Along in my Automobile
If the analogy of a vehicle is a good one for the ascendant and First House, then the Sun in our chart depicts us in the role of the driver, whereas our Moon casts us in the role of the passenger or maybe even as the baggage! Sue Tompkins - Contemporary Astrologer's Handbook
The South Node Report Card
The South Node is our Souls report card. It tells what subjects we have passed: the South Node says, " Congratulations, you have passed Gemini Level I, " For "incompletes" and less impressive marks, look to Saturn for further instruction and retesting, not to the South Node. Kevin Burke - The Complete Node Book.
More Gardening
Transits signify periods of growth. If we wish to use the transit period for our growing, we need to begin when the seeds of the transit are planted...Many students attempt to interpret a transit when it is basically over, for they begin to work with it when the crop is being harvested. The unpleasant crop harvested from a difficult transit occurs when we haven't been aware of the effect of a transit soon enough. I use a ten degree applying orb. In that way the energy can be transformed with knowledge and understanding. Betty Lundsted - The Time Your Life.
The Ascendant/Doorway of a House
It's like the doorway to the house. No matter what's going on in that house, the first thing you see is the door. Some doors are open, welcoming, inviting, painted in cheery colours. Other doors are silent, closed, with a little peephole so whoever lives inside can check you out first before you're let in. Some doors are large and grandiose, like palace entrances. Others are small and unobtrusive. The door isn't really any index to the inside of the house. There are houses where you'd never notice that shabby little door, but the inside is beautiful. Others are very flamboyant outside, but small and unobtrusive inside. Never judge a house by it's door. But the door reflects how that person wants you to see him. So, we have the sign of the ascendant. Liz Greene - Astrology for Lovers.
Transits/Hands of a 'Cosmic' Clock
So the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets - and the stars behind them - can be seen as the 'hands' of a cosmic clock. The astrologer is someone who has learned to tell the 'cosmic time'. Through reading a horoscope, meaning 'view of hour', he or she can divine the nature of what or who is happening, and when further 'influences' will occur, and what they mean. But, in this context, the word 'indication' is actually more appropriate than 'influence'. This is because clocks indicate the time, they do not in themselves influence what is happening or make things happen. And the most potent moment in cosmic time is when someone or something comes into being - birth. Hence the importance of the birth chart, for that is truly 'your time', and all other 'times' are related to it. Lyn Birkbeck - Instant Astrologer.
The Psyche Delivering Fruit
As Astrologers, we can wind up in a lot of trouble if we think we can impose our wishes on the rate at which things grow. You are wanting to hear me say, " Yes, you are free. You can can sort out your complexes whenever you like, regardless of the chart". Indeed, you are free, to work with your developmental pattern in any way you choose, including transforming things that are dark or stuck. But as far as getting the psyche to deliver it's fruit when it is not yet ripe, any gardener can tell you such tactics don't work. Liz Greene - The Horoscope in Manifestation.
Saturn/'Wet Blanket'
And not all unconscious issues are unpleasant. Sometimes one finds that perfectly lovely configurations in a chart are very unconscious. The ego does not perceive them as lovely, or one has been taught to see oneself as unlovely. Then some of one's best resources may be hidden away in the darkness. This latter is know as the wet blanket syndrome. For example, we might see a chart with a lot of planets in Capricorn, and angular Saturn opposition Sun, and Mercury square Chiron. And along with these placements is a delightful Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius, but it's invisible. The person doesn't seem to exhibit the joyful, self indulgent, and adventurous spirit we associate with the two 'benefics'. Where has it gone? Most likely it has been suppressed, by both parents and the ego, and it is being projected. There might be a lot of envy toward other people who seem to have everything: "It's alright for some, with looks and money and plenty of time to indulge themselves, but the rest of us don't have it so easy". Or the person may perceive the Venus-Jupiter wholly negatively and stomp around saying, "Irresponsible, self-indulgent people! Liz Greene - The Horoscope in manifestation.
Re-planting Seeds and Cultivating Fields/Natal Potential
The horoscope of an individual's birth reveals the essential balances and imbalances of that person's life pattern; that person's Karma. We call the natal horoscope the "blueprint to life" for it reveals the seeds the individual must (re) plant in life and methods by which he may or may not cultivate his fields. It will show the potential extent of his subsequent harvests. Alan Oken's Complete Astrology.
Rectifying a Chart/Diagnostic Work
The Astrologer who rectifies a map is like a physician who specializes in diagnostic work. When a patient exhibits an unknown ailment, the doctor looks to the symptoms, examines the patients medical and family history, makes certain tests, and comes up with his opinion on the nature of the disease. He then prescribes the appropriate treatment. If the patient responds favourably, the diagnosis can be considered correct. The same goes for rectification. After closely examining the natives life and physical appearance (and, if possible, the charts of the native's immediate family), the astrologer suggests a horoscope pattern and "prescribes" the House positions. Alan Oken - Complete Astrology
In natal astrology, it sometimes helps to think of the houses not as actual houses, but rather as "rooms" that are inside each of us. Each room has a special purpose and is reserved for certain types of experiences. Think of it this way: when we're hungry and want something to eat, we go to the kitchen, not the bedroom or the study; and we don't usually sleep in the bathroom or the dining room. It's the same way with the house in the birth chart. The sixth house is our office-it's where we go to work. When we want to go out and have fun, on the other hand, we go to our fifth house. We meet up with our friends in the eleventh house, and our family in the fourth. Kevin Burk - Understanding The Birth Chart.
A Bead Necklace/Human Intervention
We can take any birth chart, and we have no idea what the individual has made or will make out of it. We don't have a coherent story. We only have a mass of fragments. It is something in the individual that makes these fragments into a story, like placing isolated beads on a string to make a necklace. Have any on you ever worked with beads? There, on the table, is a pile of ceramic beads of various sizes and shapes and colours. There is no pattern. We work out how many of each we have, and then we say, "I 'll think I will put a blue one first, and then three green ones, followed by a big amber one. Then I'll have another blue one, and then another three green ones." The finished necklace has order, design, harmony, intent. Before our intervention the beads did not. Liz Greene - Apollo's chariot
Banging on Doors
With Uranus in the 7th, a stable relationship may sometimes seem like living in a house in which all the doors are locked. Even if one is not conscious of one's own psychic claustrophobia, something inside wants to start banging on those doors. The knowledge that they are all locked is very unpleasant, so one begins to rattle the handles and shout! "Let me out!" If someone opens the door and says, "Look this door is open, you can leave when you like," the chances are that one won't need to leave. Because one knows one is free to go, one may well decide to stay around. But the moment someone says, "You are not allowed to leave. You have to stay. We have a marriage certificate, a mortgage, responsibilities towards the children, and your mother to look after, and what will people think?" then the impulse to get out can become quite compulsive. Liz Greene The Art of Stealing Fire.
Uranus/Onboard Computer
Uranian foresight isn't really intuition in the colloquial sense; it is something else. It is an ability to plug into a larger system, so we immediately know the rules governing a particular system. It is rather like the on-board computer which one gets on certain cars. If one is travelling at a certain rate of speed, and one's journey is two hundred miles, the on-board computer will work out the estimated time of arrival instantly, which will keep changing according to the fluctuations in speed. There is something computer-like about the way in which Uranus functions, which is why the planet often associated with computer technology, and why people with a strong Uranus are often gifted at computer programming and engineering. Liz Greene - The Art of Stealing Fire
Saturn's Bill is Due
The actual meaning of Karma is "substance". We accrue substance through our actions and choices throughout life. Each time a critical point in the Saturn cycle is reached, we must face what kind of substance we have accrued. If we meet this challenge honestly, and work at what has been poorly built, then the next turn of the cycle brings our "just rewards" in productive ways. If we avoid the confrontation, then the next turn of the cycle brings a bigger bill, with accumulated interest; and eventually bailiffs come to claim the debt. And Saturn's interest rates, unlike those of Bundesbank, are never because of political expediency. They remain fixed, because they are a reflection of our mortal limits. Liz Greene - The Art of Stealing Fire
Saturn/First Sexual Encounter
In our course of the Saturn cycle we are struggling to do something that we don't really know how to do, which gradually builds that inner ground. I can't really think of a better parallel than the sexual act. The first time we try it, we usually make a ghastly mess of it,because we are trying to remember what we saw in an X-rated film, and what our friends told us we are supposed to do. We are paralysed with shyness and fear, and the expectation of failure, so we consider it a miracle if anything happens at all. Then we say, " Was it good for you?" which is really a dumb question, since it has been a disaster, it is likely we will be told the truth. Compare that to relating to the person with whom we are making love. It is not unlike where we start with Saturn, and where, with some insight,hard work, and humility, we actually wind up. Liz Greene - The Art of Stealing Fire
An Intimate Astrological Portrait: Angelina Jolie
I will explore Angelina's chart through quotes, interviews and any other information I grab hold of.
Astrologer: Hi Angelina, thanks so much for coming today and talking about your life and chart personally. I think there is a lot that we don't understand about you, and perhaps we all have our own preconceived images of what you are like.
Angelina: If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me. I like to hide behind the characters I play. Despite the public perception, I am a very private person who has a hard time with the fame thing.
Astrologer: Firstly, I want to discuss your early life and how you were raised. You are the daughter of actor Johnny Voight and Marcheline Bertrand, the family separated when you were about two years old. Looking at the natal chart, I see that you have Uranus (freedom, revolution and changes) in the 4th house. Uranus operates different from the "norm" or "status qua" and this is evident in your personal home and background. Uranus in the 4th house is often a classic indicator for parents who have divorced/separated. In your biography, it states, that you never felt settled as a child and moved house frequently. With Uranus in the 4th house it can show a need to breakaway and rebel against early roots. There can be sense of being uprooted, and often when you feel settled and secure something shatters that normality apart. Uranus also describes our need to be free from convention. Therefore, natives with this placement often have the desire to be free from the shackles of what most people label a 'traditional' home and family. In this light, security means something entirely different for you, and it's not how most people would define it. These feelings of an unconventional spirit at home is a trait that you share with your father. What are your thoughts on this?
Angelina: "Divorce isn't good for children, especially when they're teenagers. I went through a lot of dark things, which my father wanted me to stop. But there was no way. I never felt settled or calm. You can't really commit to life when you feel that.
Astrologer: Lets delve into some more of the astrological aspects in your chart and see if we can clarify some issues for you. In the astrological horoscope our parental relationship is signified by the Sun and Moon in the chart. We look to planets in the 4th and 10th houses for additional information on the early parental bond. The Sun in astrology symbolises the father archetype and he is often viewed as the "hero" of the family. You have Sun opposite 'nebulous' Neptune. It isn't an easy image to ground, and in astrology Neptune represents the glamorized aspects of life, and obviously signifying your father the 'actor'. Neptune doesn't always represent a tangible father, sometimes he is emotionally or physically absent. It is no secret that you have ambivalent feelings towards your father and you have blamed his infidelity for breaking up the family. However, Sun-Neptune in the natal chart can show that you have an unconscious idealisation of your father.
I would imagine your father

A Neptunian father is the most difficult type to have a 'real' relationship with, and there is always an inaccessibility that exists. You lost contact with your father for years, and this may be due to the Sun's rays being placed in the communicative Gemini and is in opposition to Neptune (lost, confusion and nebulous feelings). Therefore you lost all pathways to talking to him on an ordinary level. Perhaps, this has left you with great disillusionment concerning your father. Another point to consider is the Sun in Gemini opposite Neptune trying on all those acting roles, to determine which identity fits. Sun-Neptune has difficulty defining indiidual identity. You have a yearning to be someone, and yet for a long time you were not sure who that "someone" was.
According to highly acclaimed astrologer Liz Greene - "Any planet aspecting the Sun points to a particular facet of the father-archetype, which it is the individuals "task" to confront and express as creatively as possible. The Neptunian father is rendered impotent by life's harshness or his own burden of human sin. The Neptunian father is a spirit that has not embodied himself in life; and his child is left to find her own model for confident living. It's not surprising that many Sun-Neptune individuals take a long time to do so". She says, "We are handicapped by something someone did not do, because the personal parents are people and not archetypes. Sun-Neptune does not connote a better or worse father than any other. Nor do horoscopes make any objective comment on whether the personal father or mother is loving or unloving, good or evil, conscious or unconscious. The vanishing father becomes the vanishing god, whose embrace we seek beyond life. When you fall in love, it will be with someone you cannot have, on one level or another". Can you elaborate more on the relationship with your Dad?
Fortunately, I got to a place in my life where I realized that, no matter what he said, I was a good person, and a good friend, and I am a good mother. And because I'm an adoptive mother, I don't see blood as family. I see time and love -- you earn it. You can't just call yourself a father. I don't hate my father. I don't blame him for divorcing my mother, or having affairs. He went off path. I don't respect the way he treated my family as I was growing up. But we survived, and we're a good family. I just don't want to dedicate one more tear, or watch my mother cry one more time.
Astrologer: You have Sun in Gemini in a wide conjunction to Mercury, and this makes your personality very Mercurial. It is often said that Gemini is like a split personality. UK star and topless model Jordan has two alter ego's one is Jordan the pin up/overblown model and the other is Katie Price (supposedly normal self). She too has a Gemini Sun and both personalities tend to overpower and battle it out in her psyche. The immortal and the ordinary twins in Mythic Astrology. How do you feel about different aspects of your personality?
Angelina: If I didn't have my films as an outlet for all the different sides of me, I would probably be locked up.
Astrologer: Gemini's love disguise and mimicry which is great for acting too, but you can become restless, bored and move on quickly to the next thing that grabs your interest. It's very difficult to pin down the butterflies (Gemini) of the zodiac.
Angelina: "Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else." -"The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon." -
Astrologer: Many things in life catch your 'Gemini' attention it's all about keeping life light and interesting. You have a powerful urge to communicate and with your Sun in the 11th house you focus on broader issues. We are all aware of the work you do as an humanitarian.
Angelina: “I entered this business (acting) before I had focus and purpose in my life. I was very unhappy, very unhealthy…”
Astrologer: You are a goodwill ambassador and work with refugees.
Angelina: They have seen so much, they've felt so much pain – lost more than anyone could bear and yet they contain joy of life and appreciation for small things we often forget. In any UNHCR office, in any one of the many areas around the world, you will find an amazing mix of hard-working and often very tired people. What is beautiful to me is that the men and women are always a mix of nationalities who have come together with the common goal – to help others. That is the UN at its best."
Astrologer: Here is a video of you and your partner Brad in action, truly inspirational. The Sun in astrology represents our purpose and life goal. You say here that you want to make a difference in the world and this is what motivates you, and not your celebrity status. The Sun in the 11th house needs to focus on some kind of goal or social ideal and you gravitate towards others who share these same goals. You have an interest in reform and in bettering the world we live in. You are striving towards upholding a humanitarian cause and in getting your message (Gemini urge to communicate) across and perhaps your celebrity status has enhanced these causes, you gain more recognition for your cause. Sun in Aquarius or in the 11th house believes in people power and coming together to make a difference.
Astrologer: What are you hoping to accomplish|?
Angelina: Awareness [of] the plight of these people. I think they should be commended for what they have survived, not looked down upon. I think people are often uncomfortable and don’t like the idea. They seem to shy away because of what it means to them. I think these are really amazing people that are not really understood. Also, I personally just wanted to meet these people around the world and know them, because they are my heroes, and I think they are wonderful people.
Astrologer: What do you teach your children about these worldwide issues?
Angelina: “I want them to see it as an area where they can go down the street and play football with those kids and get to know them and, as they grow up, see them as friends they spend time with. I hope if I raise them with a more accurate view of the world than I was raised with, then they will naturally be better people. And I’m sure my children will be visiting and learning from refugees in the future.”
Tiger Woods
I wasn't going to talk about this whole media drama astrologically, but in the end I couldn't resist. I will have an astrological look at the transits which have shaken the golfing billionaire's foundations. I will discuss his natal chart and then move onto those triggering transits. Tiger has his Sun in Capricorn and this suggests a man that needs stability and is looking for a solid relationship, and of course describes all those worldly ambitions and achievements. On the whole Capricorn men can be dependable and faithful, especially if his wife devotes her life to his goals and career. If he doesn't believe she is fully committed he may look elsewhere and have casual affairs.
The Sun is placed in the 4th house and shows quite a traditional man who is proud of his roots. He identifies powerfully with his father who was the driving force behind Wood's success. Tiger has his Sun (father) square Pluto (power) in Libra in the 1st house (identity) and this reflects a father with powerful ambitions too. His Dad''s influence has shaped the man he is today. What occured to me is that Tiger's father died a few years ago, and often men with this contact begin to lose all self-control at the time of the father's death. The same happened when Patrick Swayze's father died, he too has a contact between Sun-Pluto, he went off the rails and straight into addiction problems.
He had played catcher for Kansas State, the first black to play baseball in the Big Eight Conference, and he had been a Green Beret for two tours in Vietnam. But he felt his true purpose was to train Tiger, and he watched his son evolve into the dominant player of his time -- the youngest player to win the career Grand Slam -- and one of the most celebrated athletes in the world.
In the foreword to his father's book, Woods said: "In retrospect, golf for me was an apparent attempt to emulate the person I looked up to more than anyone: my father. He was instrumental in helping me develop the drive to achieve, but his role -- as well as my mother's -- was one of support and guidance, not interference."
"I tried to break him down mentally, tried to intimidate him verbally, by saying, 'Water on the right, OB on the left,' just before his downswing," Woods once said in an AP interview. "He would look at me with the most evil look, but he wasn't permitted to say anything. That's the frustration. He couldn't say a word, but he always had an escape word. He never used it.
"One day I did all my tricks, and he looked at me and smiled," Woods said. "At the end of the round, I told him, 'Tiger, you've completed the training.' And I made him a promise. 'You'll never run into another person as mentally tough as you.' He hasn't. And he won't."
Do we all know the real Tiger Woods? I bet he is hating every minute of this public scrutiny into his personal life. I wouldn't be surprised if he is hating himself too. In all honesty, he has brought this whole mess upon himself with his secret affairs, and he has been living behind a charming and conscientious public facade for years, and may have needed such a confrontation with his own identity. Sun-Pluto people hold a very powerful presence but are impenetrable themselves. Tiger also has Sun square Jupiter, and we all know roving Jupiter's mythological background. Zeus is in the 7th house of 'others', the public, associates, opponants, and marriage partner. Jupiter in Aries adds a pioneering spirit to his personality, and he is the first to set a trend. The man can promote anything (a ruined reputation has caused many deals to fall through). Wood's has Moon in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Aries, and he is naturally optimistic with an unshakable faith. This part of his nature believes he can do it. Astrologically, Jupiter is a popular guy, he is generous and fun, sometimes excessive, and in Aries he needs to feel a winner.
The chart is driven by a cardinal t-square which is often an indicator of an ambitious individual. Sun-Jupiter can suffer from poor judgement, his judgement in golf is more calculated due to his Mercury in Capricorn in the 5th house of entertainment, games and pleasure. With Capricorn they always assess carefully every move, but part of him needs freedom (Sun-Jupiter). Wood's once had a stuttering problem. Mercury is the verbal part of ourselves and Saturn can create anxiety and fear around communication and this comes through self-expression (5th house).
He has Saturn in Leo in the 11th house and he fears the "mob". He has always felt different from everybody else, and he may have felt in early childhood that he was rejected by his peers. Sometimes this hidden feeling of specialness (Saturn in Leo) and his powerful belief in his own destiny (Sun-Jupiter -Pluto) allowed him to remain somewhat isolated from 'them'. He has a powerful need to prove his individuality (Leo). Woods has Pluto in the 1st house which is detailed in this article here . Tiger is ready for an overhaul when transiting Saturn in Libra conjuncts Pluto in the first house of identity/persona. Chiron in his chart is in Aries in the 8th house of sexuality, and here is a post on Chiron in Aries.
It can reflect a time of needing to break out of limiting circumstances. Outer events occur which shake his foundations and create emotional shocks. Tiger needs to develop in new ways emotionally. Some stark realisations will be hitting home (Moon). Transiting Saturn-Pluto edges in now hitting his Sun (ego). Humiliation is one aspect of Saturn-Pluto, and a finality is reached.The transiting Moon-Uranus contact can be a separative aspect and there are often domestic changes happening under this configuration. He will need to assess his own unconscious desires for change, and why this whole situation has come about.
A Driving TEST!

Last week ten years after getting my first provisional licence I finally got my full driving licence. It's been a real learning experience.
First there was a month of classes in the three topics covered in the written exam: Traffic, Motor and First Aid. I attended all the classes, something only two other people in the class did. The exam was a centralised so about four hundred people from the state of Canakkale descended on a primary school one Saturday. We crammed into tiny desks and answered 120 multiple choice questions on the three topics.
Then came the driving lessons themselves. These were an hour and a half of driving on consecutive days, totalling fifteen hours of driving. My teacher was relaxed and calm and managed to allow me to feel in control from the very start of the lessons. She refused to keep to the designated routes for teaching students, arguing that as they were both relatively simple (not too many traffic lights or tight maneovering needed) they don't prepare students to drive in traffic. Our lessons would begin with a run on the test route, which ran from the Sanayii to Tansas and back; 3km straight road, a turn and back along the same road with several lights, two roundabouts and no maneovres. Then we'd either work on reversing, parking, or turning and then drive through the town. By the end of nine lessons I was comfortable in the Toyota Yaris and reasonably happy with my progress.
Now came the trouble. My final lesson was with a different teacher, the one who would accompany me during the test. She opened the glove compartment, blocking the view of her feet and then used the pedals continuously. It made for a very nerve-wrecking experience. I didn't feel in control. At one point I began to slow down, as I could see the lights were about to change. But she hit the accelerator and sped us up through the changing lights!
So I was quite nervous coming up to the test. I sat in and said hello to the two testers in the back of the car I could see the glove compartment was open. I adjusted the seat, checked the mirrors and put on my seatbelt. Turned the ignition, took off the handbrake, signalled and hit the accelerator while gradually raising the clutch. The engine began to roar. And we went nowhere. Then the instructor finally began to raise the clutch to allow us to move. It was probably an instant but it felt like a lifetime. The rest of the test is a mercifully short blur of nerves. She accelerated along one stretch and then when I finally felt the accelerator in my control she warned me about driving too fast! I went through an orange light (not a problem in itself, but I would have prefered to stop) because I was afraid I'd ended up cut out in the middle of the junction if she tried to speed up as I tried to stop.
I came out a nervous wreck with a severe dent in my driving confidence. When I rang to get the results a day or two later the secretary joked that I'd failed and I nearly believed her. I got the licence last week having paid the money and been fingerprinted. Last weekend I started on our own truck, a rather bigger car than the little Yaris. It'll be a while before I'm confident enough to drive on my own without the Handyman's guidance but that's a matter of time and experience.
A Driving TEST!

Last week ten years after getting my first provisional licence I finally got my full driving licence. It's been a real learning experience.
First there was a month of classes in the three topics covered in the written exam: Traffic, Motor and First Aid. I attended all the classes, something only two other people in the class did. The exam was a centralised so about four hundred people from the state of Canakkale descended on a primary school one Saturday. We crammed into tiny desks and answered 120 multiple choice questions on the three topics.
Then came the driving lessons themselves. These were an hour and a half of driving on consecutive days, totalling fifteen hours of driving. My teacher was relaxed and calm and managed to allow me to feel in control from the very start of the lessons. She refused to keep to the designated routes for teaching students, arguing that as they were both relatively simple (not too many traffic lights or tight maneovering needed) they don't prepare students to drive in traffic. Our lessons would begin with a run on the test route, which ran from the Sanayii to Tansas and back; 3km straight road, a turn and back along the same road with several lights, two roundabouts and no maneovres. Then we'd either work on reversing, parking, or turning and then drive through the town. By the end of nine lessons I was comfortable in the Toyota Yaris and reasonably happy with my progress.
Now came the trouble. My final lesson was with a different teacher, the one who would accompany me during the test. She opened the glove compartment, blocking the view of her feet and then used the pedals continuously. It made for a very nerve-wrecking experience. I didn't feel in control. At one point I began to slow down, as I could see the lights were about to change. But she hit the accelerator and sped us up through the changing lights!
So I was quite nervous coming up to the test. I sat in and said hello to the two testers in the back of the car I could see the glove compartment was open. I adjusted the seat, checked the mirrors and put on my seatbelt. Turned the ignition, took off the handbrake, signalled and hit the accelerator while gradually raising the clutch. The engine began to roar. And we went nowhere. Then the instructor finally began to raise the clutch to allow us to move. It was probably an instant but it felt like a lifetime. The rest of the test is a mercifully short blur of nerves. She accelerated along one stretch and then when I finally felt the accelerator in my control she warned me about driving too fast! I went through an orange light (not a problem in itself, but I would have prefered to stop) because I was afraid I'd ended up cut out in the middle of the junction if she tried to speed up as I tried to stop.
I came out a nervous wreck with a severe dent in my driving confidence. When I rang to get the results a day or two later the secretary joked that I'd failed and I nearly believed her. I got the licence last week having paid the money and been fingerprinted. Last weekend I started on our own truck, a rather bigger car than the little Yaris. It'll be a while before I'm confident enough to drive on my own without the Handyman's guidance but that's a matter of time and experience.
Irish McCalla: Grand Earth Trine - Queen of the Jungle
Irish McCalla was an American actress and artist who, as a 5' 9" bosomy model, was cast at the last minute in the TV series "Sheena, Queen of the Jungle," which ran for 26 episodes in 1955-'56. The job was hers when Anita Ekberg failed to show up to film the pilot, and Irish was glad to make the $365 a week.
Irish had a Grand Earth Trine with Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, trine Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Virgo. This woman from what I have gathered across various sites - appears to be darn comfortable dealing with nature and is relaxed with her own body (video at the end). Irish wasn't always this way and when she was younger she was uncomfortable with the way she looked, but she definitly grew into her body with time.
Source for quote below:
"Irish McCalla was 74 when she died in February 2002. She faced some difficult times in her last few decades, and I'm also sure her life was full of her fair share of personal turmoil, but by all accounts she largely led a charmed life. She once commented that things just seemed to happen to her without really trying.
As a young woman she joined Bettie Page in becoming astronomically famous as a model, without having a movie contract. Her physical beauty so captivated the modelling industry that a new magazine, Eve, was launched specifically to feature her.
When the door to the entertainment industry opened for her soon afterward, she stepped into a role that fit her like a glove, and which guaranteed her lasting fame beyond her demise. However, it was not only her Amazonian features - slanted eyes, high cheek bones and towering curvaceous frame - that made Sheena legendary. Without the spunk of Irish's athleticism and tomboy background Sheena would not have been nearly as believable.
As her small screen fame began to decline Irish launched herself into yet another highly successful career - that of professional artist. She had been artistic as a child and art had always held an enthusiastic fascination for her, but now Irish proved herself to be a highly gifted artist in the Americana genre.
She continued to bask in her Sheena glory by making personal appearances at fan conventions for many years and in interviews expressed how blessed she felt to have the best of both worlds - the satisfaction of success at artistic achievement and the loving adoration of her fans. A charmed life indeed!
Irish described her own life as "charmed" and that good things just happened to her without really trying. This is how Astrologer's describe the easy energy of such a "blessed" configuration. There seems to be some luck apparent in the trine and these natives are naturally blessed with talents. The Grand Earth Trine has the ability to master the material realm and they have a special relationship with the physical world. The sign of Taurus symbolises self worth and resources, and Irish had Jupiter in Taurus in the 8th house of her natal chart. An 8th house Jupiter in Taurus is often indicative of someone who is fortunate in financial or material terms. Money was gained darn easily using her sexuality (8th house), but Irish also appreciates nature and the good things in life, being so adept physically she won her part as Sheena 'Queen of the Jungle' because she could swing through the trees with ease.
Jupiter in Taurus in the 8th house trines Neptune in Virgo in the 12th house and represents her artistic gifts. Natally the 8th house rules legacies and add this to Taurus which symbolises a talent or skill that has been handed down to her. Irish was an excellent artist and very talented, her artwork is a lasting legacy of her life.
"A Legacy or legacies is what someone or something is remembered for or what they have left behind that is remembered, revered or has impacted current events and the present day". The sign of Taurus rules the five senses and this includes a good eye for colour and feel for texture. Neptune in the 12th house is senstitive to the collective and she draws inspiration from this source and again she has been handed Neptune to use creatively. The Sun in Capricorn needs to create something tangible and lasting in the world. The beauty of Capricorn is that they really do shine in later years and fulfill their ambitions. Liz Greene says that Capricorn women are born with stainless steel spines, and she also states that they grow into very wise and disciplined women. Irish died at aged 74, details below.
Irish had a Grand Earth Trine with Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, trine Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Virgo. This woman from what I have gathered across various sites - appears to be darn comfortable dealing with nature and is relaxed with her own body (video at the end). Irish wasn't always this way and when she was younger she was uncomfortable with the way she looked, but she definitly grew into her body with time.
Source for quote below:
"Irish McCalla was 74 when she died in February 2002. She faced some difficult times in her last few decades, and I'm also sure her life was full of her fair share of personal turmoil, but by all accounts she largely led a charmed life. She once commented that things just seemed to happen to her without really trying.
As a young woman she joined Bettie Page in becoming astronomically famous as a model, without having a movie contract. Her physical beauty so captivated the modelling industry that a new magazine, Eve, was launched specifically to feature her.
When the door to the entertainment industry opened for her soon afterward, she stepped into a role that fit her like a glove, and which guaranteed her lasting fame beyond her demise. However, it was not only her Amazonian features - slanted eyes, high cheek bones and towering curvaceous frame - that made Sheena legendary. Without the spunk of Irish's athleticism and tomboy background Sheena would not have been nearly as believable.
As her small screen fame began to decline Irish launched herself into yet another highly successful career - that of professional artist. She had been artistic as a child and art had always held an enthusiastic fascination for her, but now Irish proved herself to be a highly gifted artist in the Americana genre.
She continued to bask in her Sheena glory by making personal appearances at fan conventions for many years and in interviews expressed how blessed she felt to have the best of both worlds - the satisfaction of success at artistic achievement and the loving adoration of her fans. A charmed life indeed!

Jupiter in Taurus in the 8th house trines Neptune in Virgo in the 12th house and represents her artistic gifts. Natally the 8th house rules legacies and add this to Taurus which symbolises a talent or skill that has been handed down to her. Irish was an excellent artist and very talented, her artwork is a lasting legacy of her life.
"A Legacy or legacies is what someone or something is remembered for or what they have left behind that is remembered, revered or has impacted current events and the present day". The sign of Taurus rules the five senses and this includes a good eye for colour and feel for texture. Neptune in the 12th house is senstitive to the collective and she draws inspiration from this source and again she has been handed Neptune to use creatively. The Sun in Capricorn needs to create something tangible and lasting in the world. The beauty of Capricorn is that they really do shine in later years and fulfill their ambitions. Liz Greene says that Capricorn women are born with stainless steel spines, and she also states that they grow into very wise and disciplined women. Irish died at aged 74, details below.
Bill Black reports that in their regular conversations he learned that the sale of Irish's artworks declined during the late-90s and she was forced to rely more heavily on the sale of memorabilia. However, her failing health prevented her from becoming involved in intensive promotional appearances at fan conventions and she had to be content with whatever mail order business came her way. Black never learned whether Irish was forced to vacate her home in the mountains, but he did learn that her condition deteriorated so quickly following unsuccessful surgery that she was transferred to a nursing home. Marianne Ohl Phillips, an old friend of Irish, told Frank Bonilla that each operation would have a lamentable effect on Irish's memory, but one source told him that towards the end Irish was unable to recognise friends. Dick Simmons, her faithful friend, visited her regularly and attended to her needs. It is sad to think that this may have been a very painful experience for him if Irish was unaware who he was. He obviously thought a lot of her and his selfless devotion to her care indicates he was an extraordinary individual.
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