I'm hoping to get some reader feedback on the list:
- Are my categories too general or confusing or stupid? Instead of splitting them by field, I could divide them into Academia, Non-academia and Science Writing, for example, or split Physical sciences into physics, chemistry and "other." The blogs that are about personal experiences could be separated from the blogs that focus on the science. I'm open to suggestion.
- Have I miscategorized any of the blogs? I gave them all the once over as I split them up, but I almost certainly missed something.
- Do you know of any blogs that should be on the list? I am mostly interested in the life sciences and the blog role is lopsided in that category. The list of mathematics, computer science, and engineering blogs is particularly weak. The criteria I'm using for listing:
- the blogger is female
- most of the posts are about science or engineering-related topics, either about the science or about being a scientist
- the blog is fairly regularly updated
- I'd like to include a wide range of voices, both inside and outside academia